Deutsch: Chaines-Subalpines-Decke
Français: Nappe des Chaines Subalpines
Italiano: Falda delle Chaines Subalpines
English: Chaines Subalpine Nappe
The Chaines Subalpines Nappe is a Lower Helvetic tectonic nappe of the French Alps constituted by a succession of large folds with NW vergence to the north of the latitude of Annecy and with W vergence to the south. Its eastern contact is a thrust fault plunging NW over the Aiguilles Rouges and Belledonne massifs. It is overlain to the north by the Pillon Mélange Zone just below the Penninic Prealps, and overlies the southern end of the Subalpine Molasse to the west. The Chaines Subalpines Nappe is subdivided into several units by thrust faults. All these units are composed of Jurassic–Cenozoic sediments of North Helvetic origin, except the most external one, located south of Annecy, whose series is similar to that of the Internal Folded Jura.
chaînes subalpines dauphinoises (Gignoux & Moret 1944), Catene Subalpine (Sturani 1971, Dal Piaz et al. 1992a), Subalpine Ketten (Trümpy 1974), massifs subalpins, zone subalpine (Pairis et al. 1992), chaîne subalpine, Chaines Subalpine Nappe (Gouffon et al. 2024)
"Préalpes" des géographes