Back to Ausserbinn–Piz-Cavel-ZoneRepresentation and status
- Index
- GM-Au
- Color CMYK
- (0%,24%,30%,2%)
- Color RGB
- R: 250 G: 190 B: 175
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Validity
- Unit is in Use
- Status
- informal term
- Deutsch
- Paradis-Gneiskomplex
- Français
- Complexe gneissique du Piz Paradis
- Italiano
- Complesso Gneissico del Piz Paradis
- English
- Paradis Gneiss Complex
- Origin of the Name
Piz Paradis (GR), Tujetsch
- Historical Variants
(Homogene) Mischgneise auct., Mischgneis (Huber 1943, Niggli 1944), chorismatische Gneise auct., Injektionsgneise auct., Schmitzengneise, streifige Gneise p.p., Injektionsgneise p.p., Glimmerplagioklasgneise = Paradisgneise (Huber 1943a), Paradis-Gneis, Paradis Gneiss (von Raumer et al. 1993a), Migmatic gneiss unit = Paradisgneis (Mercolli et al. 1994), Prävariszische Migmatitgneise = Migmatitgneis des Val Medel (Vögeli et al. 2013), Paradis Gneiss Complex (Berger et al. 2017)
- Description
Mercolli et al. 1994: A particular typ of gneiss, associated with the migmatitic gneisses has been reporterd by Huber (1943) as "Paradisgneis". It is a rather massive mic-plagioclase gneiss, showing only a weak foliation and containing centimetric to decimetric inclusions of gneisses, amphibolites, quartz nodules and calc-silicate rocks.
Hierarchy and sequence
- Age at top
- Cambrian
- Age at base
- Precambrian
- Dating Method
Protolit: Precambrien - Cambrien.
Palaenography and tectonic
- Pre-Variscan polycyclic basement of the Helvetic
- Paleogeography
- European continental plate
- Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
- Kind of protolith
- sedimentary
- Metamorphism
- polycyclic
- Metamorphic facies
- amphibolite facies
- granulite facies
- eclogite facies
- Note on facies
Eklogit- und Granulit-Fazies (prae-Ordoviz), sowie Amphibolit-Fazies (variszisch).
- Definition
- 1943) : Physiographie und Genesis der Gesteine im südöstlichen Gotthardmassiv Schweiz. Min. Petr. Mitt. 23, 72-260 (
- Definition
2017) :
Geological Map of the Aar Massif, Tavetsch and Gotthard Nappes. Geological Special Map 1:100'000, Explanatory Notes 129
p.64: The Paradis Gneiss Complex consists of a large variety of migmatitic gneisses showing different degrees of partial melting and resulting in a wide range of textures(*). Again, a number of local names were used to designate these migmatitic rocks (see Tab. 3). HUBER (1943) and NIGGLI (1944) described them very carefully and interpreted them correctly, but systematically omitted the term “migmatite”. Frequent gradual transitions between the metasedimentary Val Nalps Gneiss Complex and the migmatitic Paradis Gneiss Complex suggest a coeval Ordovician metamorphic evolution of the two units.
(*) The narrow migmatite bands of the Val Uffiern–Val Camadra could not be displayed at the scale of the present map sheet. For the exact locations of these bands the reader is referred to BAUMER et al.(2013).
- Name Origin
Oberstafel / Witenwasserenstafel (UR), südlich Realp
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- local name (informal)
- In short
Feinflaseriger Biotit-Plagioklasgneiss («Streifengneis»), oft mit biotitreichen Schmitzen.
- Age
- Early Ordovician
- Name Origin
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- local name (informal)
- In short
Grobgemengte, migmatitische Glimmer-Alkalifeldspat-Plagioklasgneise mit deutlich erkennbarem Leukosom und Melanosom, grobaugig.
Gneiss di Sorescia
- Name Origin
Alpe di Sorescia (TI), N Airolo
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- informal term
- In short
Gneiss melanocratico a due miche e albite-oligoclasio in letti sottili, che contiene occhi di quarzo e feldspati di 2 – 4 cm di lunghezza a intervalli dell’ordine di metri.
- Name Origin
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- informal term
- In short
Migmatitgneis-Vorkommen innerhalb des «Streifengneis-Komplexes». Möglicherweise als Einschluss vom Paradis-Gneiskomplex zu betrachten.
Gneiss occhiadino della Val Gronda
- Name Origin
Unteres Val Gronda (GR)
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- informal term
- In short
- Migmatitischer Chlorit- bis Biotitgneis mit Feldspataugen, z.T. stark tektonisiert, am NE-Rand des Nalps-Gneiskomplexes.
Anfibolite di Corandoni
- Name Origin
Piz(zo) Corandoni (TI), Val Piora
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- informal term
- In short
Anfibolite listate, scisto a orneblenda e gneiss micaceo leucocratico, scisto a biotite e pegmatite subordinati.