
Back to Balsthal-Formation

Representation and status

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R: 170 G: 195 B: 215
lithostratigraphic Member (Subformation)
Unit is in Use
valid formal name


Membre de Laufon
Membro di Laufen
Laufen Member
Origin of the Name

Laufen (BL)

Historical Variants

Laufenerstein, Kalksteine von Laufen = Sequan (de Quervain 1969), Laufen-Schichten (Gygi 1995 S.13), Roche de Laufon = Laufner Kalk (Bollin 1996), Laufen Member (Gygi 2000c), Membre de Laufon, Calcaire de Laufon (Wildi et al. 2020)

Nomenclatorial Remarks

Untere Balsthal-Formation



Das Laufen-Member besteht aus sehr variablen, geschichteten Kalksteinen der Balsthal-Formation: Mikrite, Oolithe, dolomitische Onkolithe bis zu koralligenen Kalken. Onkoide treten an der Basis vor («akzessorische Mumienbänke»). Häufige Fossilien: Bivalven und Brachiopoden, keine Ammoniten.

16 m and der Typlokalität (Gygi 2000b/c), bis 25-30 m auf Bl. Chasseral (Aufranc et al. 2017)


Fossil Content
  • ostreids
  • brachiopods
  • echinoids
  • bivalves

Pholadomya, Serpulidae, Zeillerina astartina, Lithacosphinctes (Gygi 1995)

Hierarchy and sequence

Superordinate unit
Units at roof
Units at floor


Age at top
  • late Oxfordian
Age at base
  • late Oxfordian
Dating Method

Klastische Schüttungen (Gygi & Persoz 1986) und Sequenz-Stratigraphie (Gygi et al. 1998).


Geographical extent
Type area
Laufental (BL)
Type locality
  • Laufen (BL)
    Site particularities
    • typische Fazies
    Site accessibility
    • Steinbruch, Tongrube
    • (2604950 / 1252150)
    • Tal der Schachtele Nördlich Laufen (Gygi 2000c Profil RG457)
Type profile
  • Liesberg (BL)
    Site particularities
    • typische Fazies
    Site accessibility
    • Steinbruch, Tongrube
    • (2600430 / 1250338)
    • Zement-Steinbruch (Gygi 2000b Fig.35 und Pl.32)
Point of interest
  • Gorges de Court
    Site particularities
    • Obergrenze
    • Untergrenze
    • typische Fazies
    • (2594580 / 1238050)
    • Hug 2001, Wetzel & Strasser 2001

Palaenography and tectonic

  • Malm of the Jura Mountains
Northern Tethyan Carbonate Platform :
Plateforme de Bourgogne, ... = Northern Tethyan Carbonate Platform (NTCP)
Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
Kind of protolith
  • sedimentary
non metamorphic


Gygi R. A. (2000) : Annotated index of lithostratigraphic units currently used in the Upper Jurassic of northern Switzerland. Eclogae geol. Helv. 93/1, 125-146

p.135: Laufen Member (Gygi 1995) ; Member of the Balsthal Formation ; Synonymy: Gygi (2000b. p. 62) The name Laufen Member was proposed by Gygi (1995 p.13). It is derived from the small medieval city of Laufen in Canton Baselland. LK 1087 Passwang. The upper part of the member is currently being quarried as a well-known building stone in the small valley of Schachlete north of Laufen, on the territory of the village of Dittingen (unpublished section RG 457 at coordinates 604.530/253.070). Complete sections of the member close to Laufen are above the cantonal road east of the former cement works at Liesberg (figured by Gygi 2000b. Fig. 35) and in the limestone quarry of the former Liesberg cement works (Gygi 2000b. Pl.32). Gygi (2000b, p. 62) proposed that beds no. 27-48 in this quarry be the type section of the Laufen Member. The member is 16 m thick in this section and is made up of bedded micritic limestone with oncoids near the base. The lithology of the Laufen Member is very variable. Micrite. pelmicrite. oncolite. oolite, oolitic oncolite. dolomitic oncolite or even coral limestone can occur. The Laufen Member is very fossiliferous in some places (Gygi 2000b. Fig. 19). Ostreid bivalves and ribbed brachiopods (Septaliphoria) are common. One ammonite has been found in the upper part of the member in the quarry Schmidlin in the Schachlete valley near Dittingen, Canton Baselland, by J. Jermann. Gygi (1995. Fig. 20) figured this Lithacosphinctes. but he could not identify it. It is only by means of mineral stratigraphy (Gygi & Persoz 1986) and sequence stratigraphy (Gygi et al. 1998) that the member can be dated at the Bimammatum and Hauffianum Subchrons of the Bimammatum Chron. The Laufen Member occurs in northwestern Switzerland. It grades laterally into the Oolithe rousse and into the lower La May Members in the proximal direction. The boundary to the lower Holzflue Member in the distal direction is also a transition.

  • «Akzessorische Mumienbänke»

    lithostratigraphic Bed
    local name (informal)
    In short

    Onkolithischer Horizont an der Basis des Laufen-Members, am Übergang vom Hautes-Roches-Korallenkalk.

    late Oxfordian
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