Wangen-Member (sensu Gygi 1969)
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- Color CMYK
- siehe Villigen-Formation
- Color RGB
- R: 185 G: 195 B: 215
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic Member (Subformation)
- Validity
- Unit is in Use
- Status
- valid formal name
- Status discussion
Vorschlag: Bözberg-Member?
- Deutsch
- Wangen-Member (sensu Gygi 1969)
- Français
- Membre de Wangen (sensu Gygi 1969)
- Italiano
- Membro di Wangen (sensu Gygi 1969)
- English
- Wangen Member (sensu Gygi 1969)
- Origin of the Name
Ehemalige Steinbrüche in Wangen bei Olten (SO); die heutige Definition der Einheit entspricht jedoch dieser Lokalität nicht mehr.
- Historical Variants
Caprimontanaschichten und Weisse Kalke (Moesch 1863), Wangenerschichten p.p. (Moesch 1867 S.162, Tobler 1905 Tab.4a, Disler 1941, Hantke 1967), couches de Wangen (de Tribolet 1872), Wangener Schichten (Bolliger 1999), Couches de Wangen, Wangen Member (Gygi 2000b/c)
- Non-synonyms
- Description
Das Wangen-Member im mittleren Teil der Villigen-Formation besteht aus gut geschichteten, mikritischen, grauen Kalksteinen. Lokal treten im oberen Teil des Members ungeschichtete, kreidige, weisse Kalksteine mit mittlerer Porositiät auf. Selten sind Makro-Fossilien (Bivalven, Ammoniten) enthaltend.
- Thickness
- 10 – 12 m (Gygi 2000c).
- corals
Hierarchy and sequence
- Superordinate unit
- Units at roof
- Units at floor
- Age at top
- late Oxfordian
- Age at base
- late Oxfordian
- Dating Method
Biostratigraphie: Ammoniten der Gredingensis-Zone = Hauffianum-Zone oder Bimammatum-Zone
- Geographical extent
- Aargauer Jura (inkl. Lägern) bis westlich von Olten: Effingen, Bözberg, Geissberg, Würenlingen.
- Type area
- Aargauer Jura
- Type profile
Villiger Geissberg, Steinbruch Gabenkopf
Site particularities- Obergrenze
- typische Fazies
- Strassenanschnitt / Bahnanschnitt
- (2657665 / 1264075)
- Gygi 1969: Profil RG 62, Schichten 38-58
Villiger Geissberg, Steinbruch Gabenkopf
- Reference profiles
Bözberg (AG)
Site particularities- Obergrenze
- Untergrenze
- typische Fazies
- Steinbruch, Tongrube
- (2650220 / 1258150)
- Gygi 1969: Profil RG 57
Bözberg (AG)
Palaenography and tectonic
- Malm of the Jura Mountains
- Paleogeography
- Argovian Basin
- Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
- Kind of protolith
- sedimentary
- Conditions of formation
"argovien" / "séquanien"
- Metamorphism
- non metamorphic
- Definition
2000) :
Annotated index of lithostratigraphic units currently used in the Upper Jurassic of northern Switzerland. Eclogae geol. Helv. 93/1, 125-146
2.47 Wangen Member (Moesch 1867) ; Member of the Villigen Formation
The name Wangen Member (Wangenerschichten) was proposed by Moesch (1867. p. 162). It refers to the village of Wangen west of Olten. Canton Solothurn. LK 1088 Hauenstein. According to Moesch (1867. p. 165). several old quarries at Wangen at coordinates ca. 632.330/244.080 are the type locality. The Wangen Member at the type locality is a local facies of porous, white, chalk-like limestone that Gygi (2000b. Fig. 39) assigned to the distal part of the Balsthal Formation (see this paper. Fig. 1) This facies extends to Mt. Born west of Olten where it is represented by the beds 42 and 44 of section RG 21 on plate 18 in Gygi (1969). According to correlation J by Gygi & Persoz (1986. PI. IA). the age of the Wangen Member at the type locality is the early Planula Chron.
In Canton Aargau. Moesch (1867) assigned the limestones between the glauconitic Crenularis Member below and the slightly glauconitic Knollen Bed above to the Wangen Member. This is what he called "Caprimontanaschichten" and "Weisse Kalke" in 1863. The "Weisse Kalke" of Moesch (1863) are porous, white, chalk-like limestones, found by Gygi (1969. Pl. 19) to occur between Effingen, Bözberg, Mt. Geissberg and Würenlingen in northern Canton Aargau. The "Weisse Kalke" are a regional facies like that of the typical Wangen Member, but their occurrence is restricted to Canton Aargau. It is evident from plate 19 in Gygi (1969) that the chalk-like white limestones of Canton Aargau are below the Knollen Bed that coincides with correlation J by Gygi & Persoz (1986). The "Weisse Kalke" (Moesch 1863) in Canton Aargau are therefore older than the Wangen Member (Moesch 1867) at the type locality.
The name Wangen Member became well-known by way of the geological maps by Mühlberg. It can be read from the caption to the geological map of "Unteres Aare-, Reuss- und Limmat-Tal" by Mühlberg (1904) that this author included the Letzi Member of Moesch (1863) in his Wangen Member, probably because he could not find the excellent marker bed of the Knollen Bed. Gygi (1969. PI. 17. section 62) measured the historically important section along the road from Villigen to Mt. Geissberg. He found that the road crosses the Knollen Bed at the elevation of ca. 525 m. Mühlberg (1905. p. 507) stated that the Crenularis Member crossed the road at this elevation and thereby included the typical white limestone below the Knollen Bed in his Crenularis Member. The Wangen Member of Mühlberg (1904) in this section includes the Knollen Bed as well as the Letzi. Baden and lower Wettingen Members, but not the Wangen Member of Moesch (1867) (see discussion by Gygi 1969, p. 71). Gygi (1969) and Gygi & Persoz (1986) used the name Wangen Member like Moesch (1867). but only in Canton Aargau. The reference section of the member in this revised sense are beds 38-58 in section RG 62 at Villigen, Canton Aargau (Gygi 1969, Pl. 17) even though the member is not entirely exposed along the road. A complete section of the revised Wangen Member is accessible in the old quarry above the northern entrance of the Bözberg railway tunnel 2 km south of the village of Effingen. LK 1069 Frick. This is the unpublished section RG 57 at coordinates 650.220/258.150 (see Gygi 1969. Pl. 19).
The mean thickness of the Wangen Member sensu Gygi (1969) is 10-12 m. The member is a well-bedded, micritic, non-porous limestone with a light beige colour. The upper part of the member is a chalk-like, white and porous limestone only in the Bözberg-Geissberg area mentioned above. Bivalves are the most common macrofossils of the Wangen Member. No diagnostic ammonites were found by Gygi (1969). The member is between the mineral stratigraphical correlations I and J by Gygi cfc Persoz (1986. Pl. 1 A). The lower boundary of the member is above the biostratigraphical correlation VII by these authors which is based on the ammonite Epipeltoceras bimammatum (Quenstedt) that is figured by Gygi (2000b, plate 10, figure 4). The upper boundary is marked by the Knollen Bed and coincides with the sequence boundary O 8 of Gygi et al. (1998). Gygi (1969. Pl. 16, section 82, bed 134) found the ammonite Subnebrodites schroederi (Wegele) of the Planula Chron half a meter above the Knollen Bed at Siblingen, Canton Schaffhausen. LK 1031 Neunkirch. It follows from this that the Küssaburg and the Wangen Members are of the Hauffianum Subchron although the ammonite Taramelliceras hauffianum (Oppel) was never found in Switzerland. The geographical range ofthe Wangen Member sen'.« Gygi (1969) is in northern Canton Aargau. The member is confined in the west by the Olten Member. North of the Rhine river the Wangen Member grades into the Küssaburg Member.