Marne du Banné

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Representation and status

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cf. Formation de Reuchenette
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R: 145 G: 205 B: 215
lithostratigraphic Member (Subformation)
Unit is in Use
valid formal name
Status discussion


Marne du Banné
Marna del Banné
Banné Marl
Origin of the Name

Colline du Banné (JU), 1 km au sud Porrentruy ; voir aussi le site du musée Jurassica

Historical Variants

«Marnes à Ptérocères» auct., Marnes kimméridiennes = Marnes du Banné (Marcou 1848), Marnes du Banné (Marcou 1856, Thurmann & Etallon 1864, Bourquin 1946), Ptérocérien inférieur = couches du Banné (Rollier 1882), Couches du Banné (Disler 1941), Banné Member (Gygi 2000c)



marnes jaunâtres (cassure fraîche : grisâtre), très riches en fossiles (Ammonites, Bivalves, Gastéropodes, Brachiopodes)

Forme souvent une ou plusieurs vires jaunâtres dans les parois rocheuses de la Fm. de Reuchenette.
10 m en moyenne (5-11 m en Ajoie), max. 15 m dans la vallée du Doubs (Aufranc et al. 2016) ; seulement 0,6-0,8 m le long du Doubs (Bourquin 1946)


Fossil Content
  • ammonites
  • vertebrates
  • gastropods
  • nautiloids
  • brachiopods
  • bivalves

Hierarchy and sequence

Superordinate unit
Units at roof
Units at floor


Age at top
  • Early Kimmeridgian
Note about top

Cymodoce-Z., Chatelaillonensis-Sz. = Zone à Acanthicum/Zone à Divisum

Age at base
  • Early Kimmeridgian
Note about base

Cymodoce-Z., Chatelaillonensis-Sz. = Zone à Acanthicum/Zone à Divisum

Dating Method

Rares ammonites: Prorasenia sp. de la fin du Kimméridgien précoce (Gygi & Persoz 1986). Stratigraphie séquentielle et cyclostratigraphie: durée de sédimentation d'environ 0.2 Ma (Colombié 2002).


Geographical extent
Partie nord des cantons du Jura et de Neuchâtel.
Type area
Ajoie (JU), et plus particulièrement la région de Porrentruy
Type locality
  • Le Banné (JU)
    Site particularities
    • typische Fazies
    • Fossilfundstelle
    Site accessibility
    • temporary exposure
    • (2572215 / 1250610)
    • <p>Localité-type du Membre du Banné (Gygi 2000c, Comment et al. 2015): colline 1 km au sud de Porrentruy</p>
Reference profiles
  • Courgenay - Alombre (JU)
    Site particularities
    • Obergrenze
    • typische Fazies
    Site accessibility
    • Steinbruch, Tongrube
    • (2574750 / 1248150)
    • <p>Localité-type et coupe-type du Membre de Vabenau (Comment et al. 2011, Comment et al. 2015): carrière de Courgenay-Alombre (L'Alombre aux Vaches) à 500 m du lieu-dit Vabenau, 2.5 km SW Courgenay</p> <p>Coupe de référence du Membre du Banné (Gygi 2000c Profil RG341)</p>

Palaenography and tectonic

  • Malm
Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
Kind of protolith
  • sedimentary
Conditions of formation

Dépôts de lagon interne peu profond ou de chenal tidal large et peu profond.

non metamorphic


Marcou Jules (1848) : Recherches géologiques sur le Jura salinois Mémoire de la Société géologique de France (2), 3/1, 151


Gygi R. A. (2000) : Annotated index of lithostratigraphic units currently used in the Upper Jurassic of northern Switzerland. Eclogae geol. Helv. 93/1, 125-146

p.127: Banné Member (Marcou 1848) ; Member of the Reuchenette Formation This member was first distinguished by Marcou (1848. p. 104) and called: "Marnes kimméridiennes ou du Banné". On page 105 he also wrote about "Calcaires (limestones) kimméridiens ou du Banné" overlying his Marnes du Banné. The term Calcaires du Banné was fortunately ignored by subsequent authors and can be rated to be forgotten. Later the Banné Member as it is known today was called Pterocera marl by several mapping geologlists as for instance Schneider (1960, p. 10). The Banné Member is named after the hill called Le Banné 1 km south of Porrentruy. Canton Jura. LK 1085 St-Ursanne. A thin veneer of the lowest part of the Banné Member covers the almost flat top of the hill, and bivalves and gastropods that are characteristic of the member can be collected there from the fields. No outcrop of the member exists at this time on Le Banné hill that is to be considered as type locality. A large and complete outcrop of the member is at present in the quarry at the locality called L'Alombre aux Vaches 2 km southwest of Courgenay. Canton Jura. LK 1085 St-Ursanne. This is the unpublished section RG 341 at coordinates 574.800/248.200 that is here designated as the reference section of the member. The unit is there a yellowish marl with a thickness of 5.2 m. The marl is relatively rich in carbonate in the middle. It contains in the lower part a profusion of bivalves and numerous gastropods and brachiopods. The member could be dated biochronologically at this locality by the ammonite Aspidoceras cf. acanthicum (Oppel) MNHB J 30714 found by A. and H. Zbinden and figured by Gygi (1995. Fig. 17/4). The age of the member is the Acanthicum Chron. The Banné Member occurs around Porrentruy and to the south to Glovelier. Canton Jura. Further south the member grades into unfossiliferous limestone ofthe Reuchenette Formation.

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