Formation de Rossemaison
Back to Sidérolithique du JuraRepresentation and status
- Color RGB
- R: 210 G: 190 B: 100
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic Formation
- Validity
- Unit is in Use
- Status
- valid formal name
- Deutsch
- Rossemaison-Formation
- Français
- Formation de Rossemaison
- Italiano
- Formazione di Rossemaison
- English
- Rossemaison Formation
- Origin of the Name
Forage au nord de Rossemaison (JU)
- Historical Variants
Terre jaune = Gelberde auct., Rossemaison Formation (Pirkenseer et al. 2018)
- Thickness
- 4-5 bis max. 70-140 m (Pirkenseer et al. 2018)
Hierarchy and sequence
- Subordinate units
- Units at roof
- Upper boundary
contact net avec les marnes gris foncé ou une lumachelle à huîtres et riche en quartz du Groupe de Froidefontaine
- Lower boundary
Sidérolithique: passage graduel, avec matériel remanié
- Age at top
- early Oligocene
- Age at base
- late Eocene
- Dating Method
Micromammifères de la zone MP20 et charophytes de la zone MP21 (Gander 2013, Pirkenseer et al. 2018, Mojon et al. 2018).
- Geographical extent
- Dépôts restreints à la partie centrale du Bassin de Delémont.
- Type area
- Bassin de Delémont (JU)
- Type profile
Forage Rossemaison (JU)
Site particularities- Obergrenze
- Untergrenze
- typische Fazies
- Bohrkern
- (2592870 / 1244480)
- <p>Forage COM-F5: Weidmann 1990, Pirkenseer et al. 2018, Mojon et al. 2018</p>
Forage Rossemaison (JU)
- Reference profiles
Forage Courrendlin (JU)
Site particularities- Obergrenze
- Untergrenze
- typische Fazies
- Bohrkern
- (2595695 / 1242795)
- <p>Forages HRT-F8/9: Weidmann 1990, Pirkenseer et al. 2018, Mojon et al. 2018</p>
Forage Courrendlin (JU)
Palaenography and tectonic
- Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
- Kind of protolith
- sedimentary
- Definition
2018) :
A revised Palaeogene lithostratigraphic framework for the Northern Swiss Jura and the Southern Upper Rhine Graben and its relationship to the North Alpine Foreland Basin. Riv. Italiana Pal. Strat. 124/1, 163–246
p.177: Generally yellow to red marls with variable sand content and reworked Sidérolithique components that are limited to the central Delémont subbasin (Liniger 1925). Locally evaporites (gypsum), lacustrine limestones (“Raiche, Raitsche”) and conglomerates are intercalated (e.g. Rollier 1910), thus hinting at a fluvio-lacustrine, probably endorheic environment. The Rossemaison Fm has been historically (mining) subdivided in four units (see Liniger 1925), which however cannot be followed throughout the subbasin.
The Rossemaison Fm pinches out towards the southern basin margin, with a variable maximum thickness of 70 m (drilling COM-F5; 128.0 to 65.0 m, Fig. 10) to more than 140 m near Delémont (abandoned mine Près Grebis; Liniger 1925). At the subbasin margin the thickness ranges between 10 m (Châtillon; Gander 2013) and 4-5 m (drilling HRT-F8; 21.9 to 19.2 m, Fig. 12).
Calcaire d'eau douce de Courcelon
- Name Origin
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic Bed
- Status
- local name (informal)
- In short
Niveau de calcaire d'eau douce le plus élevé (et seul affleurant) au sein de la Terre Jaune.
- Age
- late Eocene
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic Bed
- Status
- incorrect term (disused)
- In short
Calcaire d'eau douce pré-molassique du Jura bernois.
- Age
- late Eocene