Granite de Vallorcine

Representation and status

Color CMYK
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R: 240 G: 125 B: 105
lithostratigraphic Formation
Unit is in Use
informal term


Granite de Vallorcine
Granito di Vallorcine
Vallorcine Granite
Origin of the Name

Vallorcine (France)

Historical Variants

granite de Valorcine (Necker 1828), granite de Valorsine (Delesse 1850), Valorsine-Granit = Granit bei Poyaz (Gerlach 1871), Valorsine-Granit = Granit der Barberine (Studer 1872), granite de Vallorcine (Corbin & Oulianoff 1931, Dhellemmes 1955, Krummenacher 1959), Vallorcine-Granit (Labhart & Rybach 1972), Vallorcine anatectic granite (Bussy et al. 2000, Capuzzo et al. 2003); mylonite: Reinhard & Preiswerk 1927

Hierarchy and sequence

Subordinate units
Lower boundary

Contact intrusif dans le Complexe gneissique du Brévent visible dans la région de Vallorcine (Dhellemmes 1955).


Age at top
  • Late Carboniferous (= Pennsylvanian)
Age at base
  • Late Carboniferous (= Pennsylvanian)
Dating Method

307 +/-2 Ma (U/PB on zircon and monazite ; Bussy et al. 2000), 306.5 +/-1.5 Ma


Geographical extent
Etroite bande s'étendant d'Argentière (vallée de Chamonix) à Vernayaz (plaine du Rhône), sur le flanc SE de la partie septentrionale du massif des Aiguilles Rouges.
Type area
vallée de Vallorcine
Reference profiles

Palaenography and tectonic

  • Variscan plutonic rocks of the Helvetic
Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
Kind of protolith
  • plutonic
Metamorphic facies
  • greenschist facies (epizone)
Note on metamorphism

contact SE intensément mylonitisé


Necker Louis Albert (1828) : Mémoire sur la vallée de Valorsine. Mém. Soc. phys. hist. nat. Genève IV 209

«Granite à feldspath blanc dominant, à quartz gris, à mica noir, dont les feuillets sont irrégulièrement disséminés dans toute la masse. De grands cristaux de feldspath donnent à ce granite la structure porphyrique». (Necker 1828 p.209)

Bussy François, von Raumer Jürgen, Capuzzo Nicola (2001) : Mont-Blanc, Aiguilles-Rouges massifs (External Massifs) - an example of polyorogenic evolution. Fieldtrip Guide 1, 53-84, Univ. Lausanne

p. 67: Located in the northern part of the Aiguilles- Rouges massif (stop 1A and 1G1), the Vallorcine granite is a 15-km-long by 1-km thick sheet-like pluton (see fig. 23), which intruded at 306.5 ± 1.5 Ma along a steeply dipping, NE-SW trending, dextral strike-slip shear zone (Brändlein 1991; Brändlein et al. 1994). Syntectonic intrusion is inferred on the basis of structural analysis, which documents long-lasting strike-slip shearing both in the country rocks (pre- and post-intrusion fabrics) and in the granite. The latter developed an early NE-SW trending magmatic flow structure, evolving locally into a post-solidus foliation. The Vallorcine granite was subsequently affected along its SE contact by an intense low-T ductile shearing leading to the well-known “Miéville ultramylonite” (Kerrich et al. 1980) of Late Variscan age (but reworked during the Alpine orogeny). Alpine relief provides a 2000 m-high natural cross-section through the pluton. The lowermost facies is a biotite-rich monzogranite hosting numerous enclaves up to 30 cm in size; including gneiss xenoliths from the country rocks, hornfelses, micaceous restites with sillimanite and hercynite, early cordierite-bearing leucogranite blocks and mafic microgranular enclaves. The upper facies is finer-grained with less biotite and almost no enclaves, pointing to an enclave unmixing process during upward motion of the magma. Aplitic and subvolcanic dykes are concentrated within the wall rocks of the upper contact. The Vallorcine intrusion is a typical S-type granite, as confirmed by zircon typology, stable isotopes (Brändlein et al. 1994) and the presence of Al-rich minerals (cordierite, muscovite, andalusite, etc.).

Important Publications
Necker Louis Albert (1828) : Mémoire sur la vallée de Valorsine. Mém. Soc. phys. hist. nat. Genève IV 209
Delesse A. (1850) : Analyse du granite de Valorsine. Bull. Soc. geol. Fr. (2) VII, 424
Labhart Toni P., Rybach L. (1972) : Der Vallorcine-Granit und seine radiometrischen Anomalien. Schweiz. Min. Petr. Mitt. 52/3, 571-574

Material and varia

  • Mylonite de Miéville

    Name Origin

    Miéville (VS)

    lithostratigraphic Member (Subformation)
    local name (informal)
    Valid term
    In short
    Large zone mylonitique affectant la bordure SE du Granite de Vallorcine, ainsi que son encaissant. Cette structure d'âge tardi-varisque a été réactivée lors de l'orogenèse alpine.
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