Poudingue de Dorénaz
Back to Aig. Rouges MassifRepresentation and status
- Color CMYK
- (11%,0%,17%,29%)
- Color RGB
- R: 160 G: 180 B: 150
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic Member (Subformation)
- Validity
- Unit is in Use
- Status
- informal term
- Deutsch
- Dorénaz-Konglomerat
- Français
- Poudingue de Dorénaz
- Italiano
- Conglomerato di Dorénaz
- English
- Dorénaz Conglomerate
- Origin of the Name
- Historical Variants
- Poudingue de Dorénaz (Lugeon 1937, Sublet 1962, Pilloud 1991), Unit I (Niklaus & Wetzel 1996, Capuzzo & Wetzel 2003, Capuzzo et al. 2003)
Hierarchy and sequence
- Superordinate unit
- Units at roof
- Age at top
- Late Carboniferous (= Pennsylvanian)
- Age at base
- Late Carboniferous (= Pennsylvanian)
- Type area
- versant W de la Montagne de Fully au-dessus de Dorénaz/Collonges
Palaenography and tectonic
- Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
Aiguilles Rouges
massif des Aiguilles Rouges
Aiguilles Rouges
- Kind of protolith
- sedimentary