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Representation and status

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lithostratigraphic Formation
Unit is in Use
valid formal name


Formation de Hochberg
Formazione di Hochberg
Hochberg Formation
Origin of the Name

Hochberg (Deutschland, Baden-Württemberg), Stadtteil von Remseck am Neckar

Historical Variants

Amphisyle-Schichten (Andreae 1884, Meyer 1920, 1928, Sittler 1965), Fischschiefer (Andreae 1884, 1887, 1888, Förster 1888, Gutzwiller 1893, 1914, Rollier 1893a, 1910, partim Kissling 1896, Förster 1909a/b, van
Werveke 1918, Meyer 1920, 1928, Koch 1923, Christ 1924, Buxtorf & Christ 1936, Vonderschmitt 1941, 1942, Bitterli 1945, Wagner 1950, 1955, Wittmann 1950, 1952, Diebold 1960, Schneider 1960, Fischer
1965a, Doebl 1970, Brianza et al. 1983, Wittmann 1983, Ohmert 1993, Grimm 1994, 1998, Schwarz 1997, Pharisat & Micklich 1998, Trunkó & Munk 1998, Picot 2002, Becker 2003, Berger et al. 2005a/b, Le Metayer 2007, Picot et al. 2008, de Pietri et al. 2010, Pirkenseer et al. 2013, Schäfer 2013), Schistes à poissons (Delbos & Köchlin-Schlumberger 1867, Kilian 1884, Rollier 1910, Barbier 1938, Schnaebele 1948, Lagneau-Herenger 1965, Ménillet et al. 1970, Doebl et al. 1976, Duringer 1988, Sittler 1992, Scherler 2005, Roussé 2006, Pirkenseer et al. 2010, Pirkenseer & Berger 2011), Fish Shale (Sissingh 1998, 2006), Hochberg-Subformation p.p. (Grimm et al. 2000), Hochberg Formation (Pirkenseer et al. 2018)

Nomenclatorial Remarks

Entspricht dem «Fischschiefer» auct. des Oberrhein-Grabens. Diese Beckenfazies stellt ein laterales Äquivalent der küstennahe Lörrach-Fm. («Meeressand» auct.) dar.


50 m an der Typlokalität, 4-54 m im südlichen Oberrhein-Graben

Hierarchy and sequence

Lower boundary

abrupt change to dark brown to black, finely laminated marls bearing abundant marine macrofossils and intercalations of calcareous nannoplankton mass occurrences (white laminae)


Age at top
  • late Rupelian
Age at base
  • late Rupelian


Geographical extent
Ganzer Oberrhein-Graben, bis und mit Laufen-Becken (Brislach: Koch 1923) und Ajoie-Golf (Bonfol und Bressaucourt: Rollier 1910, Schneider 1960). Fehlt im Delémont-Becken.
Type area

Palaenography and tectonic

  • UMM-J
Rhine Graben
Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
Kind of protolith
  • sedimentary


Pirkenseer Claudius, Rauber Gaëtan, Roussé Stéphane (2018) : A revised Palaeogene lithostratigraphic framework for the Northern Swiss Jura and the Southern Upper Rhine Graben and its relationship to the North Alpine Foreland Basin. Riv. Italiana Pal. Strat. 124/1, 163–246

p. 196: The Hochberg Fm consists of finely laminated bituminous dark brown to black, clayey marls with intercalated chalky laminae (coccolithophore mass occurrences), occasional silt layers and abundant vertebrate macrofossils. Towards the basin margin the sand content increases.

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