unità di Mombarone
Back to Sesia NappeRepresentation and status
- Color CMYK
- N/A
- Color RGB
- R: 241 G: 239 B: 237
- Rank
- tectonic zone
- Validity
- Unit is in Use
- Status
- local name (informal)
- Deutsch
- Mombarone-Einheit
- Français
- unité de Mombarone
- Italiano
- unità di Mombarone
- English
- Mombarone unit
- Origin of the Name
- Historical Variants
Mombarone nappe (Babist et al. 2006, Kapferer et al. 2012)
- Definition
2006) :
Precollisional, multistage exhumation of subducted continental crust: The Sesia Zone, western Alps. Tectonics 25
(2) the Mombarone nappe in the southern and eastern parts of the Sesia Zone contains predominantly eclogitic micaschists (‘‘micascisti eclogitici’’, Gastaldi [1871] and Stella [1894] as cited by Compagnoni et al. [1977]) and subordinate late Paleozoic granitoid, metabasite and marble.
These rocks are intruded discordantly by Oligocene granitoids (Biella and Traversella plutons in Figure 2) and, importantly, are included as boulders within Oligocene volcanoclastics exposed along the SW border of the Mombarone nappe [Scheuring et al., 1974];