• Umbrail–Chavalatsch-Schuppen

    Origin of the Name

    Piz Umbrail (GR)/(Italia)

    tectonic slice
    In short

    The WNW-facing Umbrail-Chavalatsch Slices consist of a very complicated zone of imbrication with two lithologically and tectonically separate units: firstly, slices of Late Triassic sediments of the Raibl and Hauptdolomit groups, which were sheared off their original stratigraphical underpinnings (S-charl-Sesvenna Nappe), and secondly, pre-Mesozoic basement slices that are correlated with the tectonically higher basement of the Ötztal Nappe Complex that tectonically overlies the S-charl-Sesvenna nappe.

    Nomenclatorial Remarks

    (Piz) Lad Scholle (Van Loone 1960) [non: Unterengadiner Piz Lad !!!], Zone d'écailles de l'Umbrail-Chavalatsch (Ecaille de Terza incl.)

  • Pastori-Serie

    Origin of the Name

    Passo dei Pastori (GR)

    lithostratigraphic unit
    In short

    Vielfältige Kristallinserie, bestehend aus Biotit-Glimmerschiefer bis -gneis, Amphibolit und Marmor, stark von Pegmatiten injiziert.

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