Back to Zentralschweizer KlippenRepresentation and status
- Color CMYK
- (0%,27%,32%,27%)
- Color RGB
- R: 185 G: 135 B: 125
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic Member (Subformation)
- Validity
- Unit is in Use
- Status
- local name (informal)
- Status discussion
- Deutsch
- Culmet-Kalk
- Français
- Calcaire du (Piz) Culmet
- Italiano
- Calcare del (Piz) Culmet
- English
- Culmet Limestone
- Origin of the Name
Piz Culmet (GR), bei Alp Ramoz
- Historical Variants
- Rätkalke (Eggenberger 1925), Oberer Rhaetkalk auct., Culmet-Kalk (Furrer 1981/1993, Dössegger et al. 1982), Bunte Kalke = Culmet-Kalk (Eberli 1985), Culmet Limestone (Furrer et al. 1985)
- Description
Dickbankige bis hin zu massigen, hellgrauen Kalken mit sehr wenigen Fossilien (Bivalven, Ostracoden, Echinoderme, Peloide). Vereinzelt Adern oder Knollen aus dunklem Chert. Leitbank über der typischen Kössen-Formation.
- Thickness
- 7-10 m (Furrer et al. 1985)
Fossil Content
- echinoderms
- bivalves
- ostracods
Hierarchy and sequence
- Units at roof
- Upper boundary
- Alpisella-Schichten (Allgäu-Fm.)
- Lower boundary
- Kössen-Fm. bzw. Schattwald-Schichten
- Age at top
- Hettangian
- Note about top
- Age at base
- Hettangian
- Note about base
- Geographical extent
- Leitbank der zentralen Ortler-Decke (Engadiner Dolomiten) und der Schiahorn-Decke (Aroser Dolomiten).
Palaenography and tectonic
- Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
- Kind of protolith
- sedimentary
- Conditions of formation
- "Shallow marine environment" (Furrer et al. 1985)
- Definition
1985) :
Field workshop on Triassic and Jurassic sediments in the Eastern Alps of Switzerland. Mitt. geol. Inst. ETH und Univ. Zürich (N.F.) 248, 81 S.
p.27: A thick bedded to massive horizon of grey limestones very poor in fossils (bivalves, ostracods and echinoderms). This characteristic marker bed of the central Ortler unit and the Arosa Dolomites is 7-10 m thick.