Retour à Effingen-MemberReprésentation et statut
- Index
- i6K
- Couleur CMYK
- siehe Balsthal-Formation
- Couleur RGB
- R: 170 G: 195 B: 215
- Rang
- Membre lithostratigraphique (Sous-formation)
- Usage
- Ce terme est en usage.
- Status
- terme formel valide
- Deutsch
- Olten-Member
- Français
- Membre d'Olten
- Italiano
- Membro d'Olten
- English
- Olten Member
- Origine du nom
Hardflue bei Olten (SO)
- Variantes historiques
- Oltener Korallenkalk (Gygi 1969), Olten-Member (Gygi 2000b/c), Olten-Korallenkalk = Olten-Member (Bitterli et al. 2011)
- Description
Das Olten-Member besteht aus dickgebankten bis massiven Kalksteinen, 10 bis 20% bestehen aus plattigen Korallen (Dimorphoseris und Stylina), die Zwischenräume des Bioherms sind mit biodetritischem Mikrit gefüllt. Kiesel-Konkretionen kommen im mittleren Teil vor.
- Épaisseur
- 26 m an der Typlokalität (Gygi 1969, Gygi 2000c); ca. 20 m (Bitterli et al. 2011)
- éponges
- coraux
Hiérarchie et succession
- Unité hiérarchiquement supérieure
- Unités sus-jacentes
- Unités sous-jacentes
- Limite supérieure
- Letzte hermatypische Koralle
- Limite inférieure
- Erste hermatypische Koralle.
- Âge au sommet
- Oxfordien tardif
- Âge à la base
- Oxfordien tardif
- Méthode de datation
- Implizite Datierung durch Liegendes und Hangendes
- Extension géographique
- 3 bis 4 km breiter Streifen in südwestlicher-nordöstlicher Ausdehnung von einigen Kilometern
- Région-type
- Olten und Umgebung
- Localité-type
Steinbruch Born (SO)
Particularités du site- Obergrenze
- Untergrenze
- typische Fazies
- Steinbruch, Tongrube
- (2633900 / 1242280)
- Gygi 2000c (nach Gygi 1969 Pl.18, Profil RG-21, Bänke 29-36 im Steinbruch 2.5 km südwestlich von Olten)
Steinbruch Born (SO)
- Typusprofil
Steinbruch Born (SO)
Particularités du site- Obergrenze
- Untergrenze
- typische Fazies
- Steinbruch, Tongrube
- (2633900 / 1242280)
- Gygi 2000c (nach Gygi 1969 Pl.18, Profil RG-21, Bänke 29-36 im Steinbruch 2.5 km südwestlich von Olten)
Steinbruch Born (SO)
Paléogéographie et tectonique
- Malm du Jura
- Paléogéographie
plateforme carbonatée nord-téthysienne
Plateforme de Bourgogne, ... = Northern Tethyan Carbonate Platform (NTCP) - Termes génériques
- Type de protolithe
- sédimentaire
- Conditions de formation
- Riffgürtel am Rand der raurazischen Plattform. Im späten Oxfordien wird der Plattformrand schliesslich durch das Korallenriff von Olten markiert.
- Métamorphisme
- non métamorphique
- Révision
2000) :
Annotated index of lithostratigraphic units currently used in the Upper Jurassic of northern Switzerland. Eclogae geol. Helv. 93/1, 125-146
p.136: The Olten Member ("Oltener Korallenkalk") was named by Gygi (1969, p. 94). The name is derived from the city of Olten. LK 1088 Hauenstein, where the member forms a cliff on the northwestern slope of Hardflue hill above the railway goods yard of Olten (unpublished section RG 22, coordinates 635.550/244.980). Gygi (1969) did not designate a type locality.A complete section of the member is in the limestone quarry of the former cement works on the north slope of Mt. Born 2.5 km southwest of Olten that was measured by Gygi (1969. Pl. 18. section RG 21, coordinates 633.900/242.280). This quarry can serve as type locality. Beds 29-36 of section RG 21 are as signed to the Olten Member. The thickness of the Olten Member is 26 m in the type section. The lower part of the member is thick-bedded, whereas the upper part is massive. The matrix of the limestone is pure micrite below with varying admixtures of fine-grained biogenic detritus in the upper part. Chert nodules occur in the middle. 10-20% of the rock volume are mostly dish-shaped coral colonies of the genera Dimorphoscris and Stylina as well as undifferentiated microsolenids (Gygi 2000b. Fig. 12). The base of the member is where the first hermatypic corals appear, and the top where corals disappear. The geometry of the member is progradational (Gygi & Persoz 1986. PI. 1A). The most proximal individual patch reefs appear in the distal time equivalent of the Steinebach Member in the gorge 1 km northwest of Wangen near Olten. At the time of maximum development the coral limestone belt must have grown to a width of 3-4 km and may have been a bank reef. Gygi (1969. p. 95) pointed out that the reef front and the fore-reef ramp must have had a very subdued relief. Growth of the coral bank ceased during deposition of the upper Holzflue Member and the upper Letzi Member.