Formazione del Lago Scuro

Représentation et statut

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R: 175 G: 200 B: 200
Formation lithostratigraphique
Ce terme est en usage.
terme informel


Formazione del Lago Scuro
Lago Scuro Formation
Origine du nom

Lago Scuro (TI)

Variantes historiques

Lago Scuro Formation (Masson & Steck 2015)

Hiérarchie et succession

Limite inférieure

Erosiver Kontakt über Lias-, Trias- oder Kristallin-Einheiten.


Âge au sommet
  • Jurassique Tardif
Âge à la base
  • Jurassique Moyen
Méthode de datation

Late Dogger - Malm (Masson & Steck 2015)

Paléogéographie et tectonique

Termes génériques
Type de protolithe
  • sédimentaire


Masson Henri, Steck Albrecht (2015) : The Maggia-Sambuco nappe : stratigraphy, correlations and tectonic consequences (Central Alps). Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Abstract Volume 13 (Basel), 16–17

p.17: But elsewhere the Cristallina sequence can present a very different aspect, forming narrow bands, tightly pinched into the Sambuco basement, mainly made of calcitic, often conglomeratic marbles. Various types of marbles and breccias are so intimately associated that for practical reasons we group them under the name of Lago Scuro Formation. They have been ascribed by all authors to the Triassic, which is impossble for several reasons. The base of the Lago Scuro Formation is deeply erosive and cuts unconformably the Liassic and Triassic formations, reaching frequently the Paleozoic basement.

We interpret the Lago Scuro Formation as the Late Dogger to Malm filling of narrow (half-) grabens generated by very active normal faulting, subsequently strongly deformed by Alpine tectonics. The combination of violent paleofault activity with submarine erosion by channeld débris flows at the foot of the fault scarps peeled the older sediments down to the basement.

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