Membre de Bure
Retour à Membre de la MayReprésentation et statut
- Index
- i6Bu
- Couleur CMYK
- cf. Formation de Vellerat
- Couleur RGB
- R: 170 G: 190 B: 165
- Rang
- Membre lithostratigraphique (Sous-formation)
- Usage
- Ce terme est en usage.
- Status
- terme formel valide
- Deutsch
- Bure-Member
- Français
- Membre de Bure
- Italiano
- Membro di Bure
- English
- Bure Member
- Origine du nom
- Bure (JU)
- Variantes historiques
- Humeralis-Mergel = Marnes à Humeralis auct., Bure-Schichten (Gygi 1995 S.11), Bure-Member (Gygi 2000a/b), Bure Member (Gygi 2000b, Gygi 2000c)
- Description
- Fossiles : Crinoïdes et huîtres (à Boncourt (JU))
- Géomorphologie
- Rarement affleurant.
- Épaisseur
- 4-15 m (Aufranc et al. 2016), 10 m à la localité-type (Gygi 2000b/c).
- ostréidés
- crinoïdes
Hiérarchie et succession
- Unité hiérarchiquement supérieure
- Unités sus-jacentes
- Unités sous-jacentes
- Limite inférieure
- Transition tant verticale que latérale depuis le Membre de l'Oolithe rousse.
- Âge au sommet
- Oxfordien tardif
- Note sur le sommet
- Oxfordien terminal
- Âge à la base
- Oxfordien tardif
- Note sur la base
- Oxfordien terminal
- Méthode de datation
- Minéralogie des argiles (Gygi & Persoz 1986 Pl.1a), stratigraphie séquentielle (Gygi et al. 1998 Fig.2).
- Extension géographique
- Nord du canton du Jura (Ajoie et région de Glovelier) et sud de l’Alsace (France)
- Région-type
- Ajoie (JU)
- Localité-type
Forage Bure (JU)
Particularités du site- typische Fazies
- Bohrkern
- (2567650 / 1254670)
- <p>forage d'exploration BUR-2 de la Transjurane (Gygi 2000b Pl.16 Profil RG454, Gygi 2000c)</p>
Forage Bure (JU)
- Typusprofil
Forage Bure (JU)
Particularités du site- typische Fazies
- Bohrkern
- (2567650 / 1254670)
- <p>Forage d'exploration BUR-2 de la Transjurane (Gygi 2000b Pl.16 Profil RG454, Gygi 2000c)</p>
Forage Bure (JU)
- Coupes de référence
Muriaux (JU)
Particularités du site- Obergrenze
- typische Fazies
- (2564220 / 1232450)
- Combe de la Rochette, 1 km W Muriaux
Muriaux (JU)
Paléogéographie et tectonique
- Malm
- Termes génériques
- Type de protolithe
- sédimentaire
- Métamorphisme
- non métamorphique
- Révision
2000) :
Annotated index of lithostratigraphic units currently used in the Upper Jurassic of northern Switzerland. Eclogae geol. Helv. 93/1, 125-146
p.128: Bure Member (Gygi 1995) ; Previously "Humeralis-Mergel"). Member of the Vellerat Formation ; Synonymy: Gygi (2000b page 59) The Bure Member was renamed by Gygi (1995. p. 11 and Fig. 2). The name is derived from the village of Bure northwest of Porrentruy in Canton Jura (LK 1064 Montbéliard). Outcrops of this marly member are always artificial and temporary. A complete section of the member was provided by the exploration well BUR 2 for the Transjurane superhighway. The well was measured and published by Gygi (2000b. PI. 16) as section RG 454 at coordinates 567.649/254.670. LK 1065 Bonfol. This is the type section. The Bure Member is mainly a soft grey marl, but in some places like the type locality there are thin intercalations of limestone. The thickness is almost exactly 10 m at the type locality. The member contains neither ammonites (Gygi 1995, Fig. 2) nor dinoflagellates (Ghasemi et al.. 1999). It could only be dated by correlations with clay minerals (Gygi & Persoz 1986. PI. 1A, correlation 1) and sequence stratigraphy (Gygi et al. 1998. Fig. 2. sequence boundary O 7 The geographical range of the Bure Member externds over the northern Canton Jura (Ajoie region) and adjacent southern Alsace (France), see Fischer (1965. p. 19 and 58/59) and to the south to Glovelier. Canton Jura. Further south and to the east the member grades into the Oolithe rousse Member and ultimately into the Crenularis Member that can be dated with ammonites at the Bimammatum Subchron.