Middle Pleistocene (774 ka)
Représentation et statut
- Couleur CMYK
- 0 / 5 / 20 / 0
- Couleur RGB
- R: 255 G: 242 B: 199
- Rang
- Étage chronostratigraphique
- Usage
- Ce terme est en usage.
- Status
- terme formel valide
- Deutsch
- Mittelpleistozän
- Français
- Pléistocène moyen
- Italiano
- Pleistocene medio
- English
- Middle Pleistocene (774 ka)
- Variantes historiques
Mittel-Pleistozän (Keller & Krayss 2010)
- Description
Die Grenze zwischen Frühem und Mittlerem Pleistozän wurde anhand der Grenze zwischen den magnetostratigraphischen Epochen Matuyama und Brunhes bestimmt (Richmond 1996), welche bei 0,78 Mio. Jahren liegt (vgl. Gibbard et al. 2004, Gibbard & Cohen 2008).
Hiérarchie et succession
- Unités hiérarchiquement subordonnées
- Unités sus-jacentes
- Limite inférieure
The base of the Middle Pleistocene is defined at the Matuyama-Brunhes paleomagnetic reversal, around 0.78 Ma BP (Richmond 1996, Gibbard et al. 2004, Gibbard & Cohen 2008).
- Note sur la base
Onset of MIS-19
- Rang
- Étage chronostratigraphique
- Statut
- terme formel valide
- En bref
New stage name for the Middle Pleistocene.
- Age
- Mittleres Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the river Saale (Deutschland).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphie
- Statut
- terme informel
- En bref
- Terminal substage of the Middle Pleistocene of NW Europe, between Holsteinian and Eemian, characterised by cold climate (culminating in the Alpine region with the Riss glaciation).
- Age
- Mittleres Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the Holstein region (N Germany).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphie
- Statut
- terme informel
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- Hoxnian (United Kingdom), Likhvinian (Russia)
- En bref
- Palynostratigraphic subdivision of the Middle Pleistocene (Ionian) of NW Europe, corresponding to MIS-11 and to the Mindel-Riss Interglacial.
- Age
- Mittleres Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the river Weisse Elster (E Germany), a tributary of the river Saale.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphie
- Statut
- terme informel
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- Anglian (United Kingdom), Okian (Russia)
- En bref
- Substage of the Middle Pleistocene of NW Europe, corresponding to MIS-12 and characterised by a cold climate (culminating in the Alpine region with the Mindel glaciation).
- Age
- Mittleres Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the East Anglian town of Cromer (UK).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphie
- Statut
- terme informel
- En bref
- Initial palynostratigraphic subdivision of the Middle Pleistocene («Ionian») of NW Europe, encompassing several glacial/interglacial cycles under a relatively mild climate (Günz-Mindel Interglacial).
- Age
- Mittleres Pleistozän