Retour à Verrucano-GruppeReprésentation et statut
- Couleur CMYK
- (0%,50%,63%,22%)
- Couleur RGB
- R: 200 G: 100 B: 75
- Rang
- Membre lithostratigraphique (Sous-formation)
- Usage
- Ce terme est en usage.
- Status
- terme informel
- Deutsch
- Fuggstock-Member
- Français
- Membre du Fuggstock
- Italiano
- Membro del Fuggstock
- English
- Fuggstock Member
- Origine du nom
Fuggstock = Fuggenstock (GL), südöstlichen Vorgipfel des Gulderstockes
- Variantes historiques
- Fuggstock-Sernifit (Fisch 1961, Huber 1964, Ryf 1964, Rutsch et al. 1966), Fuggstock Sernifite (Letsch et al. 2015), Fuggstock-Formation
- Remarques nomenclatoriales
- Sernifite supérieur (Huber 1964)
- Description
- WL Sst und Ton-/Siltssteine, mit Tuffen, Tuffiten & Spilitlagen, Basis konglomeratisch
- Épaisseur
- max. ca. 460 m an der Typlokalität
Hiérarchie et succession
- Unités sus-jacentes
- Unités sous-jacentes
- Limite supérieure
- gradual upward fining
- Âge au sommet
- Cisuralien (= Permien précoce)
- Âge à la base
- Cisuralien (= Permien précoce)
- Extension géographique
- von Widersteinerloch im Nordwesten bis in den Westhang des Wissgandstöckli im Osten
Paléogéographie et tectonique
- Verrucano
- Termes génériques
- Type de protolithe
- sédimentaire
- Conditions de formation
- thinning towards the NE (contrary to the Üblital Sernifite)
- Révision
2015) :
The volcano-sedimentary evolution of a post-variscan intramontane basin in the Swiss Alps (Glarus Verrucano) as revealed by zircon U-Pb age dating and Hf isotope geochemistry. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geologische Rundschau) 104, 123–145
p.133: In the latter area [NE of the Sernftal], the Mären Formation passes gradually into a finer-grained, brownish-red or locally purple Sernifite. Contrary to the Üblital Formation, this Sernifite body thins towards the NE and was thus most probably shed from the SW, i.e. the area of the present-day Freiberg (Fisch 1961; Ryf 1965). It contains only little spilitic detritus (Ryf 1965) but very much, often well-rounded, quartz grains (up to 50% of all components). The rest is composed of feldspar and mica with the former often exhibiting in thin section irregular patches and spots where the feldspar has been replaced by calcite and sericite. (...) The Fuggstock Sernifite is very rich in heavy minerals, particularly zircon, especially in comparison with the zircon-poor Üblital Formation.