Retour à Villigen-FormationReprésentation et statut
- Couleur CMYK
- cf. Villigen-Formation
- Couleur RGB
- R: 180 G: 190 B: 210
- Rang
- Membre lithostratigraphique (Sous-formation)
- Usage
- Ce terme est en usage.
- Status
- terme formel valide
- Discussion du statut
- Deutsch
- Küssaburg-Member
- Français
- Membre de la Küssaburg
- Italiano
- Membro della Küssaburg
- English
- Küssaburg Member
- Origine du nom
Ruine Küssaburg / Küssaberg (Deutschland), SE Bechtersbohl (unteres Klettgau-Tal)
- Variantes historiques
- Küssaburg-Schichten (Würtenberger & Würtenberger 1866), Küssaburgschichten (Hantke 1967), Küssaburg Member (Gygi 2000c)
- Remarques nomenclatoriales
- Gygi (1991, 2000b) schlägt Typus-Profil vor (2 km E der Küssaburg Ruine, 670.550/273.020), Widerspruch Text und Fig. 2 in Gygi (2000b) bezüglich stratigraphischer Position des Crenularis Members.
- Description
- "fossilarme, feinkörnige Bankkalke. Der oberste Abschnitt des Küssaburg Members ist Echinodermen-haltig (30%)" (Gygi 1969: 88)
- Épaisseur
- 32,5 m im Typusprofil (Gygi 2000c)
- échinodermes
Hiérarchie et succession
- Unité hiérarchiquement supérieure
- Unités sus-jacentes
- Unités sous-jacentes
- Limite supérieure
- Wangental-Mb.
- Limite inférieure
- Hornbuck-Mb.
- Âge au sommet
- Oxfordien
- Note sur le sommet
- Bimammatum-Zone, Hauffianum-Subzone
- Âge à la base
- Oxfordien
- Note sur la base
- Bimammatum-Z., Hauffianum-Sz.
- Méthode de datation
- Biostratigraphie: Ammoniten (Gygi & Persoz 1986)
- Extension géographique
- Klettgau bis zum Rhein (Übergang zum Wangen-Mb.).
- Région-type
- unteres Klettgau-Tal, Süddeutschland
- Localité-type
Ruine Küssaburg (Deutschland)
Particularités du site- historische Fundstelle
- Grat
- (2668810 / 1272760)
- SE Bechtersbohl, unteres Klettgau-Tal
Ruine Küssaburg (Deutschland)
- Typusprofil
Steiggraben (Deutschland)
Particularités du site- typische Fazies
- Bachprofil
- (2670550 / 1273020)
- 2 km E Küssaburg (Gygi 1991 Fig.4 Profil RG74, Gygi 2000c). Widerspruch Text und Fig. 2 in Gygi (2000b) bezüglich stratigraphischer Position des Crenularis Members.
Steiggraben (Deutschland)
Paléogéographie et tectonique
- Malm du Jura
- Paléogéographie
- bassin souabe
- Termes génériques
- Type de protolithe
- sédimentaire
- Métamorphisme
- non métamorphique
- Définition
1866) :
Der Weisse Jura im Klettgau und angrenzenden Randengebirg. Verh. natw. Vereins Karlsruhe 2, 11-68
- Révision
2000) :
Annotated index of lithostratigraphic units currently used in the Upper Jurassic of northern Switzerland. Eclogae geol. Helv. 93/1, 125-146
p.134: Küssaburg Member (Würtenberger & Würtenberger 1866) ; Member of the Villigen Formation Würtenberger & Würtenberger (1866. p. 30) introduced the name Küssaburg Member (Küssaburg-Schichten) for a succession of bedded, micritic limestones between the Hornbuck Member below and the Wangental Member above. The name is derived from the ruin of Küssaburg southeast of the village of Bechtersbohl in the lower Klettgau valley (southern Germany). LK 1050 Zurzach. There are only insignificant outcrops of the member below the Küssaburg ruin, but a continuous section could be measured in 1962 in the gully called Steiggraben 2 km southwest ofthe village of Geisslingen in the German lower Klettgau valley. This is section RG 74 at coordinates 670.550/273.020 which is less than 2 km east of Küssaburg ruin. The section is represented in Gygi (1991. Fig. 4) and can serve as type section of the Küssaburg Member. The thickness of the Küssaburg Member in the Steiggraben gullv is 32.5 m. Below is the glauconitic Crenularis Member with a sponge bioherm at the base. The top of the Küssaburg Member in the type section RG 74 is marked by the glauconitic bed 46 that belongs to the Knollen Bed. Ammonites are rare in the Küssaburg Member. Gygi & Persoz (1986. table 3 and Pl. 1) mentioned Taramelliceras (Metahaploceras) litocerum (Oppel) ofthe Hauffianum Subchron. Gygi (1969, p. 98 and Fig. 5) claimed to have found fragments of Subnebrodites in the Küssaburg Member. This is based on an error. There is a transition between the Küssaburg Member and the coeval Wangen Member of Canton Aargau. The boundary in figure 1 is drawn arbitrarily along the Rhine river that is the boundary between Switzerland and Germany north of Mellikon in Canton Aargau.
- Principales publications
1969) : Geologische Beschreibung des Aargauer-Jura und der nördlichen Gebiete des Kantons Zürich.(