Retour à Mélange du MättentalReprésentation et statut
- Couleur CMYK
- N/A
- Couleur RGB
- R: 120 G: 120 B: 120
- Rang
- unité lithostratigraphique
- Usage
- Ce terme n'est pas en usage.
- Status
- terme incorrect (mais utilisé de manière informelle)
- Deutsch
- «Granulosa-Kalk»
- Français
- «Calcaire à Assilina granulosa»
- Italiano
- «Calcare a Assilina granulosa»
- English
- «Granulosa Limestone»
- Origine du nom
Namengebendes Fossil: Foraminiferenart Assilina granulosa. Diese Art ist jedoch bis ins Dach des Einsiedeln-Members vorhanden.
- Variantes historiques
roter Assilinenkalk (Arn. Heim 1908), roter Kalk mit Assilina granulosa = Granulosakalk (Jeannet et al. 1935), Granulosa-Murchisonikalk = hämatitischer Nummulitenkalk mit Assilina granulosa (Ochsner 1975), Granulosa Limestone and Marl (Lihou 1995)
- Description
Der Granulosa-Kalk besteht aus einem blaugrauen Kalk und einem roten, hämatitischen Kalk mit Assilina granulosa.
- Épaisseur
- 0,75 - 2 m ; 2 m am Sihlsee (Jeannet et al. 1935)
- assilines
Assilina granulosa
Hiérarchie et succession
- Unités sus-jacentes
- Âge au sommet
- Yprésien tardif
- Âge à la base
- Yprésien moyen
- Note sur la base
Cuisien moyen (Lihou 1995)
Paléogéographie et tectonique
- Tertiaire
- Paléogéographie
plateforme nord téthysienne
marge continentale européenne - Termes génériques
Östliches Helvetikum
u.a. Glarner Alpen
Östliches Helvetikum
- Type de protolithe
- sédimentaire
- Conditions de formation
- Métamorphisme
- non métamorphique
- Définition
- 1908) : Die Nummuliten- und Flyschbildungen der Schweizeralpen. Versuch zu einer Revision der alpinen Eocaen-Stratigraphie. Abh. Schweiz. Paläont. Ges. 35/4 (
- Révision
1995) :
A new look at the Blattengrat unit of eastern Switzerland: Early Tertiary foreland basin sediments from the south Helvetic realm Eclogae geol. Helv. 88/1, 91-114
p.104: In most profiles, the Murchisoni horizon passes directly into the Granulosa Limestone and Marl, which was named after its index foraminifera, Assilina granulosa. It consists of two marls of varying thickness (0.2-0.5 m) separated by a brecciated limestone or calcareous greensand. At Lower Sibetsegg (733.7/197.7) (Wegmann 1961) and Näserinabach (Fig. 5), both the limestone and marls contain a fauna of abundant assilinids, small nummulitids and discocyclinids, which implies a water depth of more than 50 m according to Racey (1988). The marls provide good correlation surfaces, in particular the second marl which coincides with the disappearance of Nummulites murchisoni at the base of the main Nummulitic Limestone. The lower marl in Näserinabach is much thicker than elsewhere and contains silty lenses with pyritised assilinids and echinoderms, produced by bioturbation within a sediment column that became a reducing environment further down.
At Upper Windegg, there is evidence of a third phase of early cementation in the form of a nodular limestone horizon at the top of the Granulosa Limestone (Fig. 4). The fine sandy limestone nodules and medium-sized assilinids imply that fine material has been winnowed out and the remainder lithified by through-going pore fluids. A similar nodular limestone is present in the Fanenstock profile where there is no marl at all, and is colonised by bryozoans (Fig. 4).