Torna a Autochthone und parautochthone Sedimentbedeckung der Gotthard-DeckeRappresentazione e statuto
- Colore CMYK
- N/A
- Colore RGB
- R: 241 G: 239 B: 237
- Rango
- zona tettonica
- Uso
- Unità in uso.
- Status
- valido
- Deutsch
- Val-Canaria-Lumbrein-Zone
- Français
- Zone du Val Canaria-Lumbrein
- Italiano
- Zona della Val Canaria-Lumbrein
- English
- Val Canaria-Lumbrein Zone
- Origine del nome
- Varianti storiche
Südliche Sedimenthülle des Gotthardmassivs (Günthert 1958), Val Canaria-Lumbrein Zone (Berger et al. 2017)
Gerarchia e successione
- Unità di rango inferiore
- Geomorfologia
- Primo Giurassico
- Età alla base
- Triassico
- Estensione geografica
- Airolo (TI) bis Ilanz (GR), durch Passo del Lucomagno und Lumbrein.
- Definizione
2017) :
Geological Map of the Aar Massif, Tavetsch and Gotthard Nappes. Geological Special Map 1:100'000, Explanatory Notes 129
p.73: In the region of Airolo, the scarcity of outcrops and the almost exclusive occurrence of meta-evaporites (Cornieule) does not allow a direct correlation between the metasedimentary sequences of the Termen-Nufenen Zone with those of the Val Piora. For this reason, the Termen-Nufenen Zone was terminated west of Airolo and, starting from there, a new unit comprising mainly Triassic meta-sedimentary rocks covering the crystalline rocks of the Gotthard Nappe to its eastern end was defined. This latter was called the Val Canaria-Lumbrein Zone. In the area east of the Val Piora, this unit has been often described as a relic of the autochthonous cover of the Gotthard Nappe (BERGER et al. 2005, VÖGELI et al. 2013
- Name Origin
- Rango
- scaglia tettonica
- Statuto
- termine locale (informale)
- In breve
- Eingeschuppte Späne frühjurassischer Sedimente, welche wahrscheinlich Relikte der ursprünglichen jurassischen Sedimentbedeckung der Gotthard-Decke repräsentieren.
«Untere Stgir-Serie»
- Rango
- unità litostratigrafia
- Statuto
- termine scorretto (informale)
- In breve
Unruhige, dunkle Abfolge von Tonschiefern, bräunlich-grünlich anwitternden Kalken mit gelben Dolomitlagen (z.T. mit Ooiden, Crinoiden, Gryphäen und Korallen), Sandkalken und Lumachellenbänken.
- Age
- Sinemuriano