Torna a Membre du GraiteryRappresentazione e statuto
- Colore CMYK
- (0%,13%,31%,12%)
- Colore RGB
- R: 225 G: 195 B: 155
- Rango
- Membro litostratigrafico (Sotto-formazione)
- Uso
- Unità in uso.
- Status
- termine formale valido
- SCS nota
FR: de (et non d')
- Discussione del statuto
- Deutsch
- Herznach-Member
- Français
- Membre de Herznach
- Italiano
- Membro di Herznach
- English
- Herznach Member
- Origine del nome
Stillgelegtes Bergwerk östlich von Herznach (AG), Tafeljura ; siehe auch Eisenweg
- Varianti storiche
Anceps-Athleta-Schichten auct., Fer sous-oxfordien auct., oolithische Eisenerze des Oberen Dogger von Herznach = Herznacher Eisenoolith = Eisenoolith von Herznach-Wölflinswil = Fricktaler Eisenoolith (Bühler 1986), Herznach Formation (Gygi 2000b, Gygi 2000c), Herznach-Member (Bitterli 2015)
- Descrizione
Nur für den Nordwestschweizer Jura: Eisenoolithischer, grauer bis rotbrauner Kalkmergel bis Mergel, teilweise sehr fossilreich (Ammoniten, Bivalven, Gastropoden, Brachiopoden).
- Potenza
- Weniger als 10 cm bis max. 5-6 m ; 3,4 m an der Typlokalität (Gygi 2000c), 6,2 m bai Wölflinswil (Fehlmann & Rickenbach 1962 Pl.2)
Eisenoolithischer Mergel bis Kalkmergel
- quarzo
- pirite
Detritischer Quarz, Pyrit.
- ammoniti
- spugne
- vertebrati
- coralli
- legno
- gasteropodi
- crinoidi
- nautili
- belemniti
- echinoidi
- bivalvi
Ammoniten, Nautiliden, Belemniten, Bivalven, Gastropoden, Echiniden, Crinoiden, Korallen, Schwämme, Vertebratenreste, Treibholz.
Gerarchia e successione
- Unità di rango superiore
- Unità di rango inferiore
- Unità sovrastante
- Unità sottostante
- Limite superiore
Das über der Schellenbrücke-Bank liegende Birmenstorf-Member (Basis der Wildegg-Formation) bildet die obere Grenze des Herznach-Members.
- Limite inferiore
Die Unter-Erli-Bank des Ängistein-Members bildet die untere Grenze des Herznach-Members.
- Geomorfologia
- Oxfordiano medio
- Osservazioni sul tetto
Cordatum-Subzone (diachron ; Gygi & Marchand 1982)
- Età alla base
- primo Calloviano
- Osservazioni sulla base
Enodatum-Subzone (diachron ; Jeannet 1951)
- Metodo di datazione
Biostratigraphie: Ammoniten (Gygi & Marchand 1982, Hostettler 2014).
- Estensione geografica
- Nordwestschweiz, von der Grenze zu Frankreich bis in den östlichen Aargauer Tafeljura und weiter in den Kanton Schaffhausen. Am Rand der Franches Montagnes nur reliktisch erhalten (Hostettler 2014). Fehlt im östlichen Aargauer Jura (Auenstein).
- Regione-tipo
- Aargauer Tafeljura (AG)
- Località-tipo
Herznach (AG)
Caratteristiche del sito- typische Fazies
- unzugängliches Gelände
- Steinbruch, Tongrube
- (2645340 / 1258360)
- ehem. Bergwerk (Jeannet 1951 Fig.2 A5-F3, Gygi 1977 Pl.11 Profil RG209, Gygi 2000b/c, Gygi 2002, Bitterli-Dreher 2012)
Herznach (AG)
- Sezione-tipo
Herznach (AG)
Caratteristiche del sito- typische Fazies
- unzugängliches Gelände
- Steinbruch, Tongrube
- (2645340 / 1258360)
- ehem. Bergwerk (Jeannet 1951 Fig.2 A5-F3, Gygi 1977 Pl.11 Profil RG209, Gygi 2000b/c, Gygi 2002, Bitterli-Dreher 2012)
Bohrung Hübstel (AG)
Caratteristiche del sito- Untergrenze
- typische Fazies
- Bohrkern
- (2645289 / 1259031)
- <p>Kernbohrung Hübstel (AG): Bitterli-Dreher 2012 Fig.5</p>
Herznach (AG)
- Sezione di riferimento
Tongrube Andil (BL), Liesberg
Caratteristiche del sito- Obergrenze
- Untergrenze
- typische Fazies
- Steinbruch, Tongrube
- (2598625 / 1250100)
- 1-1,2 m (Gygi 1990, Gründel & Hostettler 2012)
Weichlen (AG)
Caratteristiche del sito- Obergrenze
- typische Fazies
- Steinbruch, Tongrube
- (2645020 / 1258710)
- Grube nordwestlich von Herznach (Bitterli-Dreher 2012)
Tongrube Andil (BL), Liesberg
Paleogeografia e tettonica
- Dogger (Jura)
- Paleogeografia
Northern Tethyan Carbonate Platform (Jura > Helv.)
Plateforme de Bourgogne, ... = Northern Tethyan Carbonate Platform (NTCP) - Termini generici
- Tipo di origine
- sedimentaria
- Condizioni di formazione
seicht/untief sub-marin
- Metamorfismo
- non metamorfo
- Definizione
2000) :
Integrated stratigraphy of the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic) in northern Switzerland and adjacent southern Germany. Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Akademie der Naturwissenschaften 104, 152 S.
- Revisione
2000) :
Annotated index of lithostratigraphic units currently used in the Upper Jurassic of northern Switzerland. Eclogae geol. Helv. 93/1, 125-146
p.133: Herznach Formation (Gygi 2000b) ; Synonymy: Gygi (2000b. p. 51) The name Herznach Formation was proposed by Gygi (2000b p. 51). The type locality is in the galleries of the now closed iron mine near the village of Herznach. Canton Aargau. LK 1069 Frick. The excellent and detailed section published by Jeannet (1951. Fig. 2) can serve as type section even though it is no more accessible. The Herznach Formation begins in this section with bed A5 and ends with bed F3. Bed F3 is the equivalent of bed 8 in section RG 209 in the Herznach iron mine as published by Gygi 1977, Pl. 11, section 1. The Herznach Formation is a succession of iron oolites of varying age and has a thickness of 3.4 m in the old part of the iron mine below Hübstel hill at Herznach. 2.4 m of this thickness are made up by the iron oolitic orebody. The thickness of the orebody increases southwest of Wölflinswil. a village 4 km to the west of Herznach. to 6.2 m (Fehlmann & Rickenbach 1962. PI. 2). The Herznach Formation is therefore a unit which is mappable at the scale of 1:25.000 (see Fehlmann & Rickenbach 1962. PI. 1 The age of the formation is documented with ammonites to be from the latest part of the early Callovian (Enodatum Subchron. Jeannet 1951) to the Cordatum Subchron of the Cordatum Chron (Gygi & Marchand 1982). The Herznach Formation is several meters thick only in the region of Herznach. To the east it pinches out completely at Veltheim. Canton Aargau. in section RG 226 in Mangold & Gygi (1997. Fig. 2) where a thin iron oolite of the middle Bathonian is overlain by the Birmenstorf Member of the Transversarium Chron. middle Oxfordian. Only in Canton Schaffhausen the formation thickens again and there grows to a thickness of more than 2 m (Fehlmann & Rickenbach 1962 Fig. 12). Iron ore of this formation was mined at Blumberg nearby in southern Germany during World War 2. In northwestern Switzerland the formation is usually only a few decimeters thick and forms a marker bed between the Dalle nacrée Member below and the Renggeri Member above. It has been mined for iron at Erzberg east of Schelten Pass in Canton Solothurn (Fehlmann & Rickenbach 1962. p. 44).
- Pubblicazioni importanti
1954) : Die Macrocephaliten des Callovien von Herznach (Aargau). Eclogae geol. Helv. 47/2, 223–268 (1962) : Die eisenhaltigen Doggererze der Schweiz. Die Eisen- und Manganerze der Schweiz, Vol.7, 109–116(1976) : La zone à Lamberti d'Herznach (Suisse). C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris 282(1977) : L'Oxfordien inférieur d'Herznach (canton d'Argovie, Suisse). C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris 285(1986) : Bergwerk Herznach: Erinnerungen an den Fricktaler Erzbergbau. AT Verlag Aarau (Stuttgart)(
- Name Origin
"Schellenbrücke" = alte Brücke der Staffelegg-Strasse, heute Asperchlus (AG) auf der Karte, NNE Küttigen
- Rango
- Strato litostratigrafico
- Statuto
- termine formale valido
- In breve
Eisenschüssiger und eisenoolithischer Kalkstein mit zahlreichen Ammoniten (vor allem Cardioceraten) im Dach des Herznach-Members.
- Age
- primo Oxfordiano
- Name Origin
Quenstedtoceras mariae
- Rango
- unità litostratigrafia
- Statuto
- termine scoretto (abbandonato)
- In breve
Dunkler eisenoolithischer Mergel und harter grauvioletter eisenoolithischer Kalk.
- Age
- primo Oxfordiano
- Name Origin
- Rango
- Strato litostratigrafico
- Statuto
- termine informale
- In breve
Oberes eisenoolithisches Erzlager des Herznach-Members.
- Rango
- Strato litostratigrafico
- Statuto
- termine informale
- In breve
Dünne oolithische Kalkbank zwischen dem «Herznacher Flöz» (im Liegenden) und dem «Wölflinswiler Flöz» (im Hangenden).
- Name Origin
Stillgelegtes Bergwerk östlich von Herznach (AG), Tafeljura
- Rango
- Strato litostratigrafico
- Statuto
- termine informale
- In breve
Unteres eisenoolithisches Erzlager des Herznach-Members.
- Age
- Calloviano