- Rango
- scaglia tettonica
- Statuto
- valido
- In breve
The Bardella-Roccabella Slices, located northwest of the Engadine Fault, are part of the Lower Austroalpine Err Nappe Complex. Their sedimentary series are detached from their former crystalline substrate.
- Rango
- scaglia tettonica
- Statuto
- termine locale (informale)
- In breve
The Bardella Slice, located northwest of the Engadine Fault, is found in the footwall of the Julier Nappe and overthrusts the sedimentary cover of the Err Nappe, being pinched in along the multiply deformed synclinorium of the “Samedan Zone”, all the way between the Julierpass road and St. Moritz.
- Name Origin
- Rango
- scaglia tettonica
- Statuto
- termine locale (informale)
- Termine valido
- Chastelets-Schuppe
- In breve
The Roccabella Slice, located northwest of the Engadine Fault, is found in the immediate footwall of a klippe of the Err Nappe and is in direct contact with the Platta Nappe in the area east of Septimerpass.
- Name Origin
- Rango
- unità litostratigrafia
- Statuto
- sinonimo posteriore (abbandonato)
- Termine valido
- Emmat-Formation
- In breve
- Grauer Kalk und schwarzer Tonschiefer mit kalkarenitischen Einschaltungen.
- Age
- Aptiano
- Name Origin
Nordhang der Roccabella (GR)
- Rango
- Formazione litostratigrafica
- Statuto
- termine informale
- In breve
- Turmalin führender, feinkörniger Granit.
- Age
- Tardo Carbonifero
- Origine del nome
Hochebene Chazforà (GR), NW Piz Turettas
- Rango
- Formazione litostratigrafica
- Statuto
- termine informale
- Età
- Tardo Permiano - Primo Triassico
- In breve
Obere Einheit der Val-Müstair-Gruppe («Münstertaler Verrucano»), bestehend aus massigen bis gebankten, meist graugrünen Konglomeraten, Sand- und Siltsteinen mit Komponenten aus permischen Vulkaniten (Ruina-Formation) und aus dem kristallinen Grundgebirge in verschiedenen Verhältnissen. Die Lithologien zeigen eindeutig fluviatile Sedimentationsgefüge und die Korngrösse wird von der Basis bis zur Obergrenze der Formation generell kleiner.
- Name Origin
Val Tuors (GR), 4 km ENE Bergün
- Rango
- Membro litostratigrafico (Sotto-formazione)
- Statuto
- termine informale
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>Ava da Tuors</p>
- In breve
Feinkörnige, gut gebankte Sandsteine, verzahnt mit dicken Konglomeratlagen mit eckigen Quarzadern, im oberen Teil der Chazforà-Fm. des Ducan- und Landwassergebiets.
- Age
- Primo Triassico
- Name Origin
Val Püra (GR), oberhalb Alp Chaschauna
- Rango
- Membro litostratigrafico (Sotto-formazione)
- Statuto
- termine locale (informale)
- In breve
- Lokale Basalbrekzie der Chazforà-Fm. in der Region S-chanf und Federia.
- Age
- Tardo Permiano