Calcare dolomitico di Lessolo
Torna a zona del CanaveseRappresentazione e statuto
- Colore CMYK
- (0%,0%,0%,100%)
- Colore RGB
- R: 250 G: 175 B: 50
- Rango
- unità litostratigrafia
- Uso
- Unità in uso.
- Status
- termine locale (informale)
- Deutsch
- Lessolo-Kalk
- Français
- Calcaire dolomitique de Lessolo
- Italiano
- Calcare dolomitico di Lessolo
- English
- Lessolo Dolomitic Limestone
- Origine del nome
Cava Dagasso e Cava Pistono, Lessolo (Italia), E Ivrea
- Varianti storiche
--- ([Issel 1893, Spitz 1919, Novarese 1929, Baggio 1965a/b, Elter et al. 1966, Ahrendt 1972, Wozniak, 1977), Triassic dolostone (Biino & Compagnoni 1989), dolomitic limestone (Borghi et al. 1996)
- Geomorfologia
- Triassico
- Età alla base
- Triassico
- Estensione geografica
- Lessolo, Fiorano.
- Revisione
1989) :
The Canavese Zone between the Serra d*Ivrea and the Dora Baltea River (Western Alps). Eclogae geol. Helv. 82/2, 413-417
p.421: The oldest members of the Mesozoic cover are dolomitic limestones, which are
whitish-grey, rarely pinkish, in colour and locally contain darker grey interlayers. In
some places there are structures suggesting both bioturbation and dessication, and
remnants of foraminifera and Dasycladaceae were described by Wozniak (1977) and
Biino (1985). The dolomitic limestones were considered as Middle Triassic in age by
Issel (1893), Parona (1924) and Elter et al. (1966), and Upper Triassic by Baggio
(1965) and Ahrendt (1972). Sturani (1975, p. 165), though favouring a Middle
Triassic age, reports the presence of dolostones with a Norian "Hauptdolomit" facies.
The top of the dolomitic limestone is marked by an irregular erosional surface,
which is covered by a fine-grained pinkish to pinkish-violet calcarenite to calcirudite