Torna a Falda del GottardoRappresentazione e statuto
- Index
- G-Au
- Colore CMYK
- (0%,20%,30%,10%)
- Colore RGB
- R: 230 G: 185 B: 160
- Rango
- Formazione litostratigrafica
- Uso
- Unità in uso.
- Status
- termine informale
- Deutsch
- Val-Nalps-Gneiskomplex
- Français
- Complexe gneissique du Val Nalps
- Italiano
- Complesso gneissico della Val Nalps
- English
- Val Nalps Gneiss Complex
- Origine del nome
Val Nalps (GR), Tujetsch
- Varianti storiche
Sericitschiefer oberhalb Hospenthal (Waindziok 1906), Nördliche Paragneise, Series I + II (Niggli 1944), Metasedimentary meta-ophiolitic unit (Mercolli et al. 1994), Val Nalps Gneiss Complex (Berger et al. 2017)
Gerarchia e successione
- Geomorfologia
- Cambriano
- Età alla base
- Precambriano
- Metodo di datazione
Protolit: Precambrien - Cambrien. Ca. 950 Ma (Sm/Nd, Biino et al. 1994).
Paleogeografia e tettonica
- Basamento policiclico ante-varisco dell'Elvetico
- Paleogeografia
- placca continentale europea
- Termini generici
- Tipo di origine
- sedimentaria
- ofiolitico
- Condizioni di formazione
Accretionary prism (Abrecht et al. 1991a).
- Metamorfismo
- policiclico
- Facies metamorfica
- facies anfibolitica
- facies granulitica
- facies eclogitica
- Osservazioni sulla Facies
Eklogit- und Granulit-Fazies (prae-Ordoviz), sowie Amphibolit-Fazies (variszisch).
- Definizione
2017) :
Geological Map of the Aar Massif, Tavetsch and Gotthard Nappes. Geological Special Map 1:100'000, Explanatory Notes 129
p.64: The Val Nalps Gneiss Complex constitutes the lithostratigraphic core of the Gotthard Nappe. Biotite-hornblende-garnet-bearing andesine-labradorite gneiss with inclusions of calcsilicate rocks and fine-banded or hornfelsitic garnet-sillimanite-bearing albite-oligoclase gneiss, both of metasedimentary origin, dominate this gneiss complex (Tab. 3). The present-day complex variation of mineralogical composition of these gneisses is due to the overlap of three metamorphic events expressed by different metamorphic degrees and subsequent retrograde alterations. Consequently, a number of local names have been used to describe these gneisses (Tab. 3). AMBÜHL (1929), WINTERHALTER (1930), HUBER (1943), NIGGLI (1944), OBERHOLZER (1955), FEHR (1956), HAFNER (1958) and ARNOLD (1970) described in great detail the petrography and the structures of the Val Nalps Gneiss Complex of the Ausserbinn-Piz Cavel Zone.
Frequent intercalations of amphibolite and rare ultramafic rocks are associated with the metasedimentary gneisses of the Val Nalps Gneiss Complex. ABRECHT et al.(1991) stressed the ophiolitic character of the amphibolite /ultramafic rock association, and BIINO (1994) described the metamorphic evolution of these rocks. A metamorphic loop starting in eclogite facies crossing the granulite facies field and ending in upper amphibolite facies is recorded in these rocks, suggesting a classical subduction–collision geodynamic context for the Ordovician cycle (NIGGLI 1944, BIINO 1994). Beside the meta-ophiolitic sequences, ABRECHT & BIINO (1994) found the same metamor-phic evolution in some gabbro bodies of island-arc affinity intruding the metasedi-mentary gneisses (e.g., the Chastelhorn Metagabbro, Fig.13). OBERLI et al. (1994) dated the intrusion of these gabbros in a time interval between 475 and 467 Ma. This Early Ordovician age is in agreement with an age of ~468 Ma obtained for the MORB-type eclogite by OBERLI et al.(1994). These ages indicate a probable Neoproterozoic age for the oceanic protoliths of the meta-ophiolites.
The metamorphic evolution of the metasedimentary Val Nalps Gneiss Complex fits in with this Ordovician orogenic scenario. NIGGLI (1944) and ARNOLD (1970) described upper amphibolite- to granulite-facies parageneses in these rocks and in particular, in the calcsilicate inclusions. From this it follows that the Neoproterozoic ophiolitic sequence was subducted to eclogite-facies conditions, and was subsequently wedged into the clastic metasedimentary rocks (most probably in the accretionary prism) during collision and the following high-temperature metamorphism (MERCOLLI et al.1994).
Gneiss di Prato
- Name Origin
Alpe di Prato (TI) ?= Alpe di Ruino?, südwestlich Bedretto
- Rango
- unità litostratigrafia
- Statuto
- termine locale (informale)
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- non: Val de Prato (Köppel et al. 1980) = Ruscada-Gneis der Maggia-Decke ; non Prato-Leventina (Bianconi 1971)
- In breve
- Helle, feinstreifige Glimmer-Alkalifeldspatgneisse, Glimmer-Plagioklasgneisse und -schiefer, aplitische Lagen, pegmatitische Gänge und Linsen, sowie Amphibolite. Stark verfaltet und verformt, oft migmatitisch.
- Name Origin
Distelgrat (VS), Obergoms
- Rango
- unità litostratigrafia
- Statuto
- termine locale (informale)
- In breve
Nördliche Paragneise der Gotthard-Decke.
- Name Origin
Tal der Guspis (UR), SSE Hospental
- Rango
- unità litostratigrafia
- Statuto
- termine locale (informale)
- In breve
- Feinlagige, sehr biotitreiche Glimmerschiefer mit unruhigem Gefüge.
- Age
- Precambriano
- Name Origin
Gurschenalp (UR), südlich Andermatt
- Rango
- unità litostratigrafia
- Statuto
- termine informale
- In breve
Nördliche Paragneiszone des Gotthardmassives : Biotit-Plagioklasgneis, Muskovit-Biotitgneis und -schiefer, Biotit- und Biotit-Serizitschiefer, mit lokale Migmatisierung.
- Age
- Precambriano
Paragneiszug Crap Stagias – Fuorcla da Vallesa – Piz Rentiert
- Name Origin
- Rango
- unità litostratigrafia
- Statuto
- termine locale (informale)
- In breve
- Rötlich anwitternder, dunkler (Muskovit-)Biotit-Plagioklasgneis mit gehäufte Auftreten von Pegmatiten.
Paragneiszug Val Lavaz – Val Sumvitg
- Name Origin
- Rango
- unità litostratigrafia
- Statuto
- termine locale (informale)
- In breve
- Paragneis unmittelbar nördlich des Medel-Granits, mit gehäufte Auftreten von Pegmatiten.
Paragneiszug Piz Cristallina – Piz Valdraus – Piz Cugn
- Name Origin
- Rango
- unità litostratigrafia
- Statuto
- termine locale (informale)
- In breve
- Helle und dunkle Biotit-(Granat-)Plagioklasgneise (mit Andesin–Labrador), sowie Amphibolit und Hornblende führende Gneise, südlich und östlich des Medel-Granits.
- Name Origin
- Rango
- unità litostratigrafia
- Statuto
- termine locale (informale)
- In breve
Linsen von Serpentinit und Giltstein innerhalb des Val-Nalps-Gneiskomplexes.
- Name Origin
- Rango
- unità litostratigrafia
- Statuto
- termine locale (informale)
- In breve
- Serpentinit, Talkschiefer, Metagabbro des Nalps-Gneiskomplexes.
- Age
- Precambriano