Membre de la Raverette

Torna a falda del Niesen

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Membre de la Raverette
Membro della Raverette
Raverette Member
Origine del nome

Vallon de La Raverette (VD) - Ormont-Dessous

Varianti storiche

Schistes marneux noirs et lits de grès grossier de la Raverettaz (de Girard 1901), série aalénienne de la Raverette (Lombard 1975), Grès et marnes de la Raverette (Badoux & Homewood 1978, Badoux & Gabus 1991), Raverette member (Ringgenberg et al. 2001)


16-40 m (Ringgenberg et al. 2001)

Gerarchia e successione

Unità di rango superiore
Unità sovrastante
Unità sottostante


  • Bajociano
Osservazioni sul tetto


Età alla base
  • Bajociano
Osservazioni sulla base


Metodo di datazione

par encadrement


Vallée de la Grande Eau, entre Le Sépey et la Forclaz

Paleogeografia e tettonica

Termini generici
Tipo di origine
  • sedimentaria


Ringgenberg Yann, Tomassi Alexander, Stampfli Gérard M. (2001) : The Jurassic sequence of the Niesen nappe in the region of Le Sépey - La Forclaz (Swirtzerland): witness of the Piemont rifting in the Helvetic paleogeographic domain. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sci. nat. 87/4, 353-372

2.1.2. Raverette member (Bajocian?) This member, which is 16 m thick along the Sépey-Diablerets road and around 40 m in the Grande Eau gorge, is composed at its base by calcareous microconglomeratic metric massflows with millimetric to centimetric elements, separed by thin layers of micaceous marls and calcareous sandstones. Going up in the series, the size and granulometry of the beds become finer, Tab Bouma (Bouma turbidites classification can be found in Bouma 1962) sequences and graded beddings occur. We often found incorporated ductile clasts forming extensive lenses due to compaction. In the matrix, all clasts are represented by: quartz (very often polycristalline), feldspars, black limestones with spicules (plate 1) and dolomite, there are two dominant size groups of clast ranging from mm to cm. The cement is dolomitic, probably of secondary origin.

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