Back to Allgäu-DeckeRepresentation and status
- Color CMYK
- N/A
- Color RGB
- R: 241 G: 239 B: 237
- Rank
- nappe
- Validity
- Unit is in Use
- Status
- valid
- Status discussion
- Deutsch
- Lechtal-Decke
- Français
- Nappe du Lechtal
- Italiano
- Falda del Lechtal
- English
- Lechtal Nappe
- Origin of the Name
Lechtal (Österreich), Vorarlberg
- Historical Variants
Lechtal-Decke (Ampferer & Hammer 1911, Allemann & Blaser 1951), oberes Bajuvarikum, nappe du Lechtal = unité du Lechtal (Hirsch 1966), Lechtal-Decke = Hochbajuvarikum (Gruber et al. 2010), Lechtal Nappe (TK500 / Gouffon et al. 2024)
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
"Lechtaler Hauptmulde" sensu Tollmann (1970a, 1976b), "Zürser Synklinorium" sensu May & Eisbacher (1999)
- Description
Hochbajuvarische Decke der Nördliche Kalkalpen (Oberostalpin), die durch Schollen- und Schuppenbau mit Bruchtektonik gekennzeichnet ist. Die stratigraphische Abfolge ist charakterisiert durch mächtig entwickelte und weit verbreitete, jurassische und kretazische Beckensedimente, sowie Schwellensedimente («Zürser Schwelle»).
Hierarchy and sequence
- Units at roof
- Upper boundary
- Lower boundary
- Age at top
- Late Cretaceous
- Age at base
- Late Carboniferous (= Pennsylvanian)
- Geographical extent
- Rhätikon, Fürstentum Liechtenstein, Vorarlberg.
Palaenography and tectonic
- Paleogeography
Adriatic continental margin
southern, passive continental margin / platform
- Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
- Kind of protolith
- tectonic
- Conditions of formation
proximales Schelf der Apulischen Platte
- Definition
2024) :
Tectonic Map of Switzerland 1:500000, Explanatory notes. Federal Office of Topography swisstopo, Wabern
p.91: In the northern Rätikon mountain range, between Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, the Lechtal Nappe is intersected by out-of-sequence thrust faults, which in places lead to the exposure of isolated lenses of the Arosa Zone. Such thrust faults divide the westernmost Lechtal Nappe into several slices (the Schesaplana, Gorfion, Augstenberg, Ochsenkopf, Heubühl and Drei Schwestern slices; Allemann 2002). The “Northern Mittagspitz Zone”, in the eastern Rätikon (Nagel 2006), and the Madrisa Slice, which is isolated north of Klosters between the Silvretta Nappe above and the Upper Penninic Arosa Zone below, are considered to be inverted slivers derived from the Lechtal Nappe.
- Name Origin
Massiv/Gipfel der Schesaplana (GR) [«sassa plauna» = ebener Felsblock]
- Rank
- tectonic slice
- Status
- informal term
- In short
The Schesaplana Slice is a tectonic subunit of the Lechtal Nappe at its southwestern border.
- Name Origin
- Rank
- tectonic slice
- Status
- valid
- In short
The Gorfion Slice is a tectonic subunit of the Lechtal Nappe at its southwestern border.
- Name Origin
- Rank
- tectonic slice
- Status
- informal term
- In short
The Augstenberg Slice is a tectonic subunit of the Lechtal Nappe at its southwestern border.
- Name Origin
- Rank
- tectonic slice
- Status
- local name (informal)
- In short
The Ochsenkopf Slice is a tectonic subunit of the western part of the Lechtal Nappe.
- Name Origin
Heubühl = Heubüal (LI), Saminatal
- Rank
- tectonic slice
- Status
- valid
- In short
The Heubühl Slice is a tectonic subunit of the Lechtal Nappe at its southwestern border. It has an exclusively Triassic stratigraphic sequence ranging from «Alpiner Buntsandstein» (Chazforà-/Fuorn-Fm.) up to «Hauptdolomit».
- Age
- Late Permian
- Name Origin
- Rank
- tectonic slice
- Status
- valid
- In short
The Drei Schwestern Slice is a tectonic subunit of the Lechtal Nappe at its northwestern border. It has an exclusively Triassic stratigraphic sequence ranging from «Alpiner Buntsandstein» (Chazforà-/Fuorn-Fm.) up to «Hauptdolomit».
«Nördliche Mittagsspitz-Zone»
- Name Origin
- Rank
- tectonic zone
- Status
- local name (informal)
- In short
The «Northern Mittagspitz Zone», in the eastern Rätikon, is considered to be an inverted sliver derived from the Lechtal Nappe.
- Name Origin
- Rank
- tectonic zone
- Status
- informal term
- In short
The Madrisa Slice, which is isolated north of Klosters between the Silvretta Nappe above and the Upper Penninic Arosa Zone below, is considered to be an inverted sliver derived from the Lechtal Nappe.
- Age
- Permian