Representation and status
- Color CMYK
- siehe Hauptrogenstein
- Color RGB
- R: 200 G: 175 B: 125
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic Bed
- Validity
- Unit is in Use
- Status
- incorrect name (though informally used)
- Status discussion
- Deutsch
- Ferrugineus-Oolith
- Français
- Oolite à Ferrugineus
- English
- Ferrugineus Oolite
- Origin of the Name
Namengebendes Fossil: Ammonitenart Parkinsonia ferruginea (Oppel) = Varietät der Parkinsonia parkinsoni Sowerby.
- Historical Variants
Thoneisenrogenkalk (Moesch 1857), mergelige Oolith = Ferrugineus-Schichten = Ferrugineus-Oolith (Mühlberg 1900), Ferrugineusschichten (Tobler 1905 Tab.5a/5b/6a, Disler 1941), Ferrugineusoolith (Erni 1941), Ferrugineus-Württembergicus-Schichten (Schmassmann 1945), Ferrugineusoolith = Grober Oolith (Bartholet 1964)
- Synonyms
- Description
Beginnt unten mit 1 m Mergel, gefolgt von 2,80 m festen Kalkbänke des groben Ooliths (Onkomikritischer Wacke- bis Packstone).
- Thickness
- 1 – 3 m (Gonzalez & Wetzel 1996) ; 8 m (Fischer et al. 1971).
- rhynchonellids
- terebratulids
- echinoids
- bivalves
Hierarchy and sequence
- Superordinate unit
- Units at roof
- Units at floor
- Upper boundary
Verbreitete Omissionsfläche.
- Age at top
- early Bathonian
- Note about top
Anfang der Zigzag-Zone.
- Age at base
- late Bajocian
- Note about base
Ende der Parkinsoni-Zone.
- Dating Method
Ammoniten (Parkinsonia württembergica (Oppel), Siemiradzkia aff. aurigera (Oppel)). Therefore, the Bajocian/Bathonian boundary has to be set within the Coarse Oncolite. Representatives of the late Zigzag Zone have not been found within the Coarse Oncolite. (Gonzalez & Wetzel 1996).
- Geographical extent
- Vor allem im Baselbiet. Geht nach Westen in die Pierre Blanche über, nach Osten in der Spatkalk.
- Type area
- Basler Jura
Palaenography and tectonic
- Dogger
- Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
- Kind of protolith
- sedimentary
- Metamorphism
- non metamorphic