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Representation and status

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siehe Burghorn-Formation
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R: 195 G: 220 B: 245
lithostratigraphic Member (Subformation)
Unit is in Use
valid formal name
Status discussion


Membre de Baden
Membro di Baden
Baden Member
Origin of the Name

Baden (AG)

Historical Variants

Badenerschichten (Moesch 1867 S.178, Tobler 1905 Tab.3a, Disler 1941, Waibel & Burri 1961, Büchi et al. 1965, Hantke 1967), couches de Baden (de Tribolet 1872), Badener-Schichten (Renevier 1896), gamma = Badener Schichten = Zone à Perisphinctes Achilles + Zone à Streblites tenuilobatus (Haug 1911), Baden Member (Gygi 2000c), Couches de Baden, Séquanien pélagal

Nomenclatorial Remarks

non: Baden-Formation (Papp 1963, Piller et al. 2022) im Zentralen Wiener Becken [Typlokalität des Badenian regional stage]



Mikritische, glaukonitische Kalksteine und Mergel mit zahlreichen Ammoniten (Perisphinctes) und Kieselschwämmen werden überlagert von 0,8 m grauen Mergeln (ohne Glaukonit und Fossilien).

Schwache morphologische Depression.
Ca. 1-3 m, bis max. 6-10 m ; 1,80 m bei der Ruine Bessersetein (Gygi 2000c)


Mineral Content
  • glauconite
Fossil Content
  • ammonites
  • sponges

Hierarchy and sequence

Superordinate unit


Age at top
  • Early Kimmeridgian
Note about top

Divisum-Zone : Idoceras balderum (Oppel)

Age at base
  • Early Kimmeridgian
Note about base

Platynota-Zone: Sutneria platynota (Reinecke)

Dating Method

Biostratigraphie: Ammoniten der Platynota- bis Divisum-Zone (Gygi 1969, Gygi 2000c)


Geographical extent
Aargauer Jura, südlich und nördlich des Rheins, Gegend von Baden, Möriken, Villigen, Mellikon (und Weiach).
Type area
Ostaargau, Unteres Aaretal
Type locality
  • Baden (AG), alter Bahntunnel
    Site particularities
    • historische Fundstelle
    Site accessibility
    • Strassenanschnitt / Bahnanschnitt
    • (2665410 / 1258360)
    • <p>Typlokalität des Baden-Members am Südportal des alten Bahntunnels</p>
Type profile
  • Besserstein (AG)
    Site particularities
    • Obergrenze
    • Untergrenze
    • typische Fazies
    Site accessibility
    • Grat
    • (2658100 / 1264010)
    • Villiger Geissberg (Gygi 1969 Pl.17 Profil RG62, Gygi 2000c als Referenzprofil definiert)
Point of interest
  • Baden (AG), Felsenweg
    Site particularities
    • Untergrenze
    • (2664930 / 1258100)
    • <p>Untergrenze des Baden-Members (Gygi 1969 Pl.17 Profil RG47, Gygi 2000c)</p>

Palaenography and tectonic

  • Malm
Argovian Basin
Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
Kind of protolith
  • sedimentary
Conditions of formation


non metamorphic


Gygi R. A. (2000) : Annotated index of lithostratigraphic units currently used in the Upper Jurassic of northern Switzerland. Eclogae geol. Helv. 93/1, 125-146

p.126: Baden Member (Moesch 1867) ; Member of an unnamed formation The Baden Member was named by Moesch (1867. p. 178) Badenerschichten. The name is derived from the city of Baden. Canton Aargau. northern Switzerland. Moesch did not specify a type locality. There is at present no complete outcrop of the member at Baden. The lower part of the member was measured at Baden by Gygi 1969. p. 17. section RG 47). coordinates 664.930/258.100 (LK 1070 Baden). The member consists there of thin beds of glauconitic and marly micritic limestone with siliceous sponges. Intercalated are beds of glauconitic marl. The most abundant macrofossils are siliceous sponges and ammonites. A complete natural outcrop of the member was in 1961 100 m west of the ruin of Besserstein at Villigen. Canton Aargau. coordinates 658.100/264.010 (LK 1070 Baden) along a footpath. Slight cleaning with a pickaxe would be necessary in order to see the section today. The member has there a total thickness of 1.80 m and consists of two parts. Below is a micritic. marly limestone with glauconite, siliceous sponges and abundant ammonites. This massive bed is 1 m thick and is ovelain by 0.8 m of brownish gray marl without glauconite and macrofossils. This outcrop is in the upper part of section RG 62 in Gygi (1969. Pl. 17) that is designated here as the reference section of the Baden Member. The member could be biochronologically dated in the large quarry of Mellikon. Canton Aargau (section RG 70 in Gygi 1969. Pl. 17, beds 120-125). The ammonite Sutneria platynota (Reinecke) occurs at the base of the member and Idoceras balderum (Oppel) at the top of bed 124 and in the lowermost Wettingen Member above. The biochronological age of the Baden Member thus ranges from the beginning of the Platynota Chron to the early Divisum Chron (see Gygi 2000b. Fig. 40. refigured as Fig. 2 in this paper). The typical condensed and glauconitic facies with siliceous sponges of the Baden Member occurs in the area between the Rhine river in the north, the western part of Mt. Lägeren east of Baden in the east and Mt. Chestenberg near Möriken. Canton Aargau. in the west. The member grades to the northeast in the Klettgau valley into the Schwarzbach Formation and to the west (from west of Aarau) into the Reuchenette Formation.

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