Back to Inntal NappeRepresentation and status
- Color CMYK
- (55%,6%,0%,39%)
- Color RGB
- R: 70 G: 145 B: 155
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic Member (Subformation)
- Validity
- Unit is in Use
- Status
- informal term
- Status discussion
- Deutsch
- Tiaun-Brekzie
- Français
- Brèche du Tiaun
- Italiano
- Breccia del Tiaun
- English
- Tiaun Breccia
- Origin of the Name
Tiaun (GR), Schmitten
- Historical Variants
- Grobe Basisbreccie der Raiblerschichten (Cornelius 1932), Tiaun Breccia (Furrer et al. 1985)
- Thickness
- 2−30 m (Furrer et al. 1985)
Hierarchy and sequence
- Units at roof
- Age at top
- Ladinian
- Age at base
- Ladinian
- Type area
- Landwassergebiet (GR)
Palaenography and tectonic
- Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
- Kind of protolith
- sedimentary
- Definition
- 1985) : Field workshop on Triassic and Jurassic sediments in the Eastern Alps of Switzerland. Mitt. geol. Inst. ETH und Univ. Zürich (N.F.) 248, 81 S. (