Formation de Turckheim

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lithostratigraphic Formation
Unit is in Use
valid formal name


Formation de Turckheim
Formazione di Turckheim
Turckheim Formation
Origin of the Name

Turckheim (France, Haut-Rhin), à l'ouest de Colmar

Historical Variants

Turckheim Formation (Pirkenseer et al. 2018)

Nomenclatorial Remarks

Küstenkonglomerat-Formation (LGRB 2011, DSK 2016), Steingang (DSK 2002, Grimm 2005, Grimm et al. 2011b)


Epaisseur affleurante de 5 à 60 m ; épaisseur cumulée totale de 200-300 m (Pirkenseer et al. 2018).


Age at top
  • early Rupelian
Age at base
  • Priabonian
Dating Method

Micromammifères de la zone MP21 (Aufranc et al. 2016, Pirkenseer et al. 2018, Mojon et al.2018)


Geographical extent
Partie méridionale du fossé du Haut-Rhin.
Type area

Palaenography and tectonic

Rhine Graben
Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
Kind of protolith
  • sedimentary


Pirkenseer Claudius, Rauber Gaëtan, Roussé Stéphane (2018) : A revised Palaeogene lithostratigraphic framework for the Northern Swiss Jura and the Southern Upper Rhine Graben and its relationship to the North Alpine Foreland Basin. Riv. Italiana Pal. Strat. 124/1, 163–246

p.179: The Turckheim Fm represents sediments related to moderate to high relief in the hinterland, resulting in grain sizes ranging from m-scale blocks (proximal) to arenites (distal) with occasional red to yellow clay and marl intercalations. The grain type ranges from unsorted irregular blocks to near-equally sized, well-rounded pebbles and sands. Pebbles and blocks may be encrusted by stromatolithic carbonates (Duringer 1988) or bound by biomineralisations (fig. 15). These conditions led to local deposits of lacustrine limestone nodules and “lenses” within the conglomerates (e.g. in the Ajoie; Schneider 1960). On the eastern and southern URG margin the conglomerates consist of middle and upper Jurassic components, whereas on the western URG shoulder either lower and middle Triassic or middle and upper Jurassic source rocks are dominant, partly including components of the Vosgian crystalline basement (Duringer 1988).

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