Blockhorizont von Bernhardzell
Rappresentazione e statuto
- Colore CMYK
- N/A
- Colore RGB
- R: 250 G: 225 B: 225
- Rango
- Strato litostratigrafico
- Uso
- Unità in uso.
- Status
- termine locale (informale)
- Discussione del statuto
- Deutsch
- Blockhorizont von Bernhardzell
- Français
- Horizon à blocs de Bernhardzell
- English
- Bernhardzell Block Horizon
- Origine del nome
- Varianti storiche
Blockhorizont (Hofmann 1951, Hofmann 1973, Kälin & Kempf 2009), vulkanischer Blockhorizont (Hofmann 1949 und 1956), Rotmergelhorizont mit exotischen Geröllen (Hofmann 1973c), Horizont mit Impaktphänomenen (Büchi & Schlanke 1977), Malmkalk-Blockhorizont (Habicht 1987), Blockhorizont of Bernhardzell (Letsch 2018)
- Potenza
- 10-15 cm (Letsch 2018)
- Geomorfologia
- Langhiano
- Età alla base
- Langhiano
- Estensione geografica
- Ostschweiz.
- Località-tipo
Bernhardzell (SG), an der Sitter
Caratteristiche del sito- Obergrenze
- Untergrenze
- typische Fazies
- Bachprofil
- (2743140 / 1260530)
- Hofmann 1951
Bernhardzell (SG), an der Sitter
- Punti d'interesse
Tüfentobel (SG)
Caratteristiche del sito- typische Fazies
- (2743535 / 1255305)
Tüfentobel (SG)
Paleogeografia e tettonica
- Tipo di origine
- sedimentaria
- Condizioni di formazione
Very distally located ejecta-layer resulting from the Ries meteorite impact (Hofmann 1973b, which caused the impact structures of the Nördlinger Ries and Steinheim craters in southern Germany (SHOEMAKER & CHAO 1961, HÜTTNER & SCHMIDT-KALER 1999).
- Revisione
2009) :
High-resolution stratigraphy from the continental record of the Middle Miocene Northern Alpine Foreland Basin of Switzerland. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 254/1-2, 177-235
HOFMANN (1951) described an exotic horizon within the OSM deposits of eastern Switzerland, which comprises angular Jurassic limestone blocks of Swabian lithofacies with a size of up to 20 cm, within greenish freshwater marl. Later, HOFMANN (1973b) identified this layer as a very distally located ejecta-layer resulting from the Ries meteorite impact, which caused the impact structures of the Nördlinger Ries and Steinheim craters in southern Germany (SHOEMAKER & CHAO 1961, HÜTTNER & SCHMIDT-KALER 1999). HOFMANN (1973b) also pictured typical, impact-related shatter-cone structures. Near Bischofszell, the Ries ejecta-layer is situated approx. 80-100 m below the Schoosstobel [= Leimbach] bentonite, and approx. 180-200 m below the Waldkirch/Mollen bentonite (Fig. 5).
Numerical ages of the Ries meteorite impact range from 14.4–14.9 Ma (GENTNER & WAGNER 1969, STORZER et al. 1995, REICHENBACHER et al. 1998). A detailed discussion of these ages, however, is beyond the scope of our study since the age of the Ries impact is not crucial to our correlations.
- Pubblicazioni importanti
2018) : Diamictites and soft sediment deformation related to the Ries (ca. 14.9 Ma) meteorite impact: the "Blockhorizont" of Bernhardzell (Eastern Switzerland). Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geol. Rundschau) 107, 1379-1380(1987) : Schweizerisches Mittelland (Molasse). Internationales Stratigraphisches Lexikon Vol.1 Fasc.7b(