Blockhorizont von Bernhardzell

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Discussione del statuto


Blockhorizont von Bernhardzell
Horizon à blocs de Bernhardzell
Bernhardzell Block Horizon
Origine del nome

Bernhardzell (SG)

Varianti storiche

Blockhorizont (Hofmann 1951, Hofmann 1973, Kälin & Kempf 2009), vulkanischer Blockhorizont (Hofmann 1949 und 1956), Rotmergelhorizont mit exotischen Geröllen (Hofmann 1973c), Horizont mit Impaktphänomenen (Büchi & Schlanke 1977), Malmkalk-Blockhorizont (Habicht 1987), Blockhorizont of Bernhardzell (Letsch 2018)


10-15 cm (Letsch 2018)


  • Langhiano
Età alla base
  • Langhiano


Estensione geografica
  • Bernhardzell (SG), an der Sitter
    Caratteristiche del sito
    • Obergrenze
    • Untergrenze
    • typische Fazies
    Agibilità del sito
    • Bachprofil
    • (2743140 / 1260530)
    • Hofmann 1951
Punti d'interesse
  • Tüfentobel (SG)
    Caratteristiche del sito
    • typische Fazies
    • (2743535 / 1255305)

Paleogeografia e tettonica

  • OSM-II
Tipo di origine
  • sedimentaria
Condizioni di formazione

Very distally located ejecta-layer resulting from the Ries meteorite impact (Hofmann 1973b, which caused the impact structures of the Nördlinger Ries and Steinheim craters in southern Germany (SHOEMAKER & CHAO 1961, HÜTTNER & SCHMIDT-KALER 1999).


Kälin Daniel, Kempf Oliver (2009) : High-resolution stratigraphy from the continental record of the Middle Miocene Northern Alpine Foreland Basin of Switzerland. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 254/1-2, 177-235

HOFMANN (1951) described an exotic horizon within the OSM deposits of eastern Switzerland, which comprises angular Jurassic limestone blocks of Swabian lithofacies with a size of up to 20 cm, within greenish freshwater marl. Later, HOFMANN (1973b) identified this layer as a very distally located ejecta-layer resulting from the Ries meteorite impact, which caused the impact structures of the Nördlinger Ries and Steinheim craters in southern Germany (SHOEMAKER & CHAO 1961, HÜTTNER & SCHMIDT-KALER 1999). HOFMANN (1973b) also pictured typical, impact-related shatter-cone structures. Near Bischofszell, the Ries ejecta-layer is situated approx. 80-100 m below the Schoosstobel [= Leimbach] bentonite, and approx. 180-200 m below the Waldkirch/Mollen bentonite (Fig. 5).

Numerical ages of the Ries meteorite impact range from 14.4–14.9 Ma (GENTNER & WAGNER 1969, STORZER et al. 1995, REICHENBACHER et al. 1998). A detailed discussion of these ages, however, is beyond the scope of our study since the age of the Ries impact is not crucial to our correlations.

Pubblicazioni importanti
Letsch Dominik (2018) : Diamictites and soft sediment deformation related to the Ries (ca. 14.9 Ma) meteorite impact: the "Blockhorizont" of Bernhardzell (Eastern Switzerland). Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geol. Rundschau) 107, 1379-1380
Habicht J. K. A. (1987) : Schweizerisches Mittelland (Molasse). Internationales Stratigraphisches Lexikon Vol.1 Fasc.7b
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