«Obere Oolithische Serie» (Grande Oolithe s.s.)
Torna a Oberer Teil des HauptrogensteinsRappresentazione e statuto
- Index
- i2o (OOS)
- Colore CMYK
- siehe Hauptrogenstein
- Colore RGB
- R: 200 G: 175 B: 125
- Rango
- Membro litostratigrafico (Sotto-formazione)
- Uso
- Unità in uso.
- Status
- termine scorretto (informale)
- SCS nota
Bei Gonzalez (1993) als Formationsglied [= Member] definiert.
- Discussione del statuto
Vorschlag zur Formalisierung: Challpass-Member ?
- Deutsch
- «Obere Oolithische Serie» (Grande Oolithe s.s.)
- Français
- «Série Oolithique Supérieure» (Grande Oolithe s.s.)
- Italiano
- «Serie Oolitica Superiore»
- English
- «Upper Oolitic Series» (Great Oolite s.s.)
- Varianti storiche
Grande Oolite (Thurmann 1832, Rollier 1911, Heim 1919), Grande Oolithe = Oolite batonienne (Desor & Gressly 1859), Grande oolithe (Greppin 1866), Grande-Oolithe = Oberer Hauptrogenstein (Mühlberg 1900, Schmassmann 1945), calcaire bathonien = Grande Oolite (Favre 1906), Obere Oolithische Serien (Gonzalez 1993), Upper Oolitic Series (Gonzalez & Wetzel 1996)
- Descrizione
Kalkoolith, +_bioklastisch, mit mergeligen Einschaltungen.
- Potenza
- 5 – 7 m im Osten, bis 30 m im Westen (Gonzalez & Wetzel 1996), 10 – 12 m (Aufranc et al. 2016); 15 – 30 m (Schmassmann 1945); 55 m (Gruner et al. 2013).
Gerarchia e successione
- Unità di rango superiore
- Unità sovrastante
- Unità sottostante
- Limite superiore
- Limite inferiore
- Geomorfologia
- Bajociano tardo
- Età alla base
- Bajociano tardo
- Estensione geografica
- Gesamter Schweizer Jura. Ostgrenze: Linie Gansingen – Schinznach.
- Località-tipo
Col de la Croix (JU)
Caratteristiche del sito- typische Fazies
- Strassenanschnitt / Bahnanschnitt
- (2577600 / 1246550)
- Thurmann 1830, Laubscher 1948, Waibel & Burri 1961
Challpasses (SO)
Coordinate- (2601400 / 1255375)
- <p>Typlokalität der Obere Oolithische Serie (Hauptrogenstein) am Südhang des Passes, nördlich Röschenz (Gonzalez & Wetzel 1996).</p>
Col de la Croix (JU)
Paleogeografia e tettonica
- Dogger
- Paleogeografia
Northern Tethyan Carbonate Platform (Jura > Helv.)
Plateforme de Bourgogne, ... = Northern Tethyan Carbonate Platform (NTCP) - Termini generici
- Tipo di origine
- sedimentaria
- Condizioni di formazione
- Metamorfismo
- non metamorfo
- Revisione
1996) :
Stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Hauptrogenstein and Klingnau Formations (middle Bajocian to late Bathonian), northern Switzerland Eclogae geol. Helv. 89/2, 695-720
p.708: The Upper Oolitic Series (synonyms: "Grande Oolite": Thurmann 1832; "Upper
Hauptrogenstein": e.g. Mühlberg 1900; Schmassmann 1945) are 5-7 m thick in the eastern and up to 30 m thick in the western Jura (Fig. 4, 5b). They consist of oolitic mud- to grainstones with fine-sand sized oolites, which are usually smaller than those found within the Lower Oolitic Series. The matrix can be micritic, especially in the western Jura.
Typical sedimentary structures are oblique stratifications, ranging from centimeter-thick
ripple laminae to large foresets with a thickness of several meters. The top of the Upper Oolitic Series is a platform-wide hardground.