Couches de Movelier
Torna a Oberer Teil des HauptrogensteinsRappresentazione e statuto
- Colore CMYK
- siehe Hauptrogenstein
- Colore RGB
- R: 200 G: 175 B: 125
- Rango
- Strato litostratigrafico
- Uso
- Unità in uso.
- Status
- termine informale
- Discussione del statuto
- Bei Gonzalez (1993) als Formationsglied [= Member] definiert.
- Deutsch
- Movelier-Schichten
- Français
- Couches de Movelier
- Italiano
- Strati di Movelier
- English
- Movelier Beds
- Origine del nome
Movelier (JU) ; [parfois aussi occurence de Terebratula movelierensis Mühlberg]
- Varianti storiche
- Marnes grises de Movelier à Hemicidaris Luciensis (Greppin 1866, Greppin 1870), Marnes grises de Movelier = Movelier-Schichten (Mühlberg 1900), Marne du Furcil [sic] (Favre 1906), Movelierschichten (Disler 1941, Bartholet 1964), Movelierensis-Schichten (Enst 1991), Movelier-Schichten = Terebratula-Mergel (Schmassmann 1945), Movelier-Schichten (Gonzalez 1993), Movelier Beds (Gonzalez & Wetzel 1996)
- Nota sul nome
- + Glauser 1936, Suter 1976 + Marnes grises de Movelier à Hemicidaris luciensis
- Descrizione
- Mergel mit linsenförmigen Kalkbänken. Reich an biogenen Komponenten: Korallen, Brachiopoden, Mollusken. Mehrere Meter mächtige Folge heller grobbiodetritischer Kalkbänke und weisser Mergellagen mit Terebrateln, deren oberste zahlreiche, bis 2cm grosse Onkoide enthält.
- Potenza
- Max. 1 m (Gonzalez & Wetzel 1996). Faible épaisseur d'env. 3–5 m (Fischer et al. 1971), voire max. 10–20 m dans la région du Chasseral (Aufranc et al. 2017).
- ammoniti
- terebratulidi
- crinoidi
- bivalvi
Gerarchia e successione
- Unità di rango superiore
- Unità di rango inferiore
- Unità sovrastante
- Unità sottostante
- Limite superiore
- D'Est en Ouest: Spatkalk, Grobe Oolith, ou Pierre Blanche.
- Geomorfologia
- Bajociano tardo
- Età alla base
- Bajociano tardo
- Osservazioni sulla base
- Fin de la Zone à Parkinsoni (Gonzalez & Wetzel 1996).
- Metodo di datazione
- Ammoniten: The basal Movelier Beds were deposited during the latest Parkinsoni Zone as indicated by several finds of Parkinsonia planulata Quenstedt and Parkinsonia parkinsoni Sowerby. A few fossils document that the upper Movelier Beds could be of earliest Bathonian age (e.g. Prinsonia sp., from Les Malettes, Canton Jura). However, these finds have all been made by private collectors and are not exactly located in sections (Gonzalez & Wetzel 1996).
- Sezione-tipo
Route de Movelier à Soyhières (JU)
Agibilità del sito- verschwundener Aufschluss
- (2590500 / 1250300)
- Localité-type historique (Greppin 1870).
Route de Movelier à Soyhières (JU)
- Sezione di riferimento
La Haute Joux (JU), près de Movelier
Caratteristiche del sito- typische Fazies
- (2593250 / 1250400)
- Affleurements meilleurs qu'à la localité-type historique selon Gonzalez (1993).
La Haute Joux (JU), près de Movelier
Paleogeografia e tettonica
- Dogger
- Termini generici
- Tipo di origine
- sedimentaria
- Condizioni di formazione
- On top of the hardground that sealed the Upper Oolitic Series, a diverse fauna lived in marly background sediments (Movelier Beds). The substitution of oolites by marls was interpreted by Gonzalez (1996) as a relative highstand of sea-level. The sedimentation was controlled by storms in bathymetrically deeper areas in the east and west and might have been influenced by tides in some areas in the western and central Jura (Gonzalez 1993). The dominant transport directions were again from north to south, showing a dominance of ebb-tides. In some western areas coral agglomerations occur. (Gonzalez & Wetzel 1996).
- Metamorfismo
- non metamorfo
- Definizione
1866) :
Tableau des terrains géologiques du Jura Suisse. Actes de la Société jurassienne d'émulation 18, 131-156
p.146: Marnes grises, blanchâtres, jaunâtres, très-fossilifères. (3 m.)
- Revisione
1996) :
Stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Hauptrogenstein and Klingnau Formations (middle Bajocian to late Bathonian), northern Switzerland Eclogae geol. Helv. 89/2, 695-720
p.709: The up to 1 m thick Movelier Beds form the base of the third shallowing-upward succession (Fig. 4; values included in Fig. 5c). They consist of marls alternating with lenticular limestones, both rich in complete as well as destroyed biogenous components, such as corals, brachiopods and mollusks.
Oolite de Movelier
- Name Origin
- Rango
- Strato litostratigrafico
- Statuto
- termine obsoleto (abbandonato)
- Termine valido
- Ferrugineus-Oolith
- In breve
Niveau plus oolithique présent localement au sommet des Couches de Movelier.
- Age
- Bathoniano
Marne de Pouillerel
- Name Origin
- Pouillerel (NE)
- Rango
- unità litostratigrafia
- Statuto
- termine locale (informale)
- In breve
- Mince niveau marneux à concrétions pyriteuses et/ou limonitiques coiffant le sommet corrodé du Hauptrogenstein, à la base du «Calcaire roux sableux».
- Age
- Bajociano