Calcaire d'eau douce de Soulce (USM)

Rappresentazione e statuto

Colore CMYK
Colore RGB
R: 245 G: 235 B: 125
Formazione litostratigrafica
Unità in uso.
termine locale (informale)
Discussione del statuto


Soulce-Süsswasserkalk (USM)
Calcaire d'eau douce de Soulce (USM)
Calcare d'acqua dolce di Soulce (USM)
Soulce Freshwater Limestone (USM)
Origine del nome

Bordure nord du vallon de Soulce (JU), Haute-Sorne

Varianti storiche

calcaires d'eau douce du Valon de Soulce-Undervelier (Fleury 1910), --- (Rollier 1910), calcaires oligocènes affleurant au NW de Soulce = gisement de Soulce (Gaudant 1979), Calcaires d'eau douce delémontiens (Pfirter 1997), Rupelian lacustrine lithographic limestones from Soulce (Mennecart et al 2011)


95 cm (Mennecart et al. 2011


  • vertebrati
  • pesci
  • molluschi
  • piante :


Iberomeryx (Mennecart et al. 2011)

Gerarchia e successione

Limite inferiore

Molasse alsacienne s.s.


  • Rupeliano
Età alla base
  • Rupeliano
Metodo di datazione

MP23 (Becker 2003, Mennecart et al. 2011, Mennecart 2012)

Paleogeografia e tettonica

  • USM-J
Termini generici
Tipo di origine
  • sedimentaria
Condizioni di formazione

paléoécologie: cf. Gaudant 1979


Mennecart Bastien, Becker Damien, Berger Jean-Pierre (2011) : Iberomeryx minor (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the Early Oligocene of Soulce (Canton Jura, NW Switzerland): systematics and palaeodiet. Swiss J. Geosci. 104/Suppl.1, 115–132

p.117: According to the description of the outcrop (Fleury 1910; Rollier 1910) and in agreement with the geological map (Pfirter et al. 1996; Pfirter 1997) and the recent works on lithostratigraphy (Picot 2002; Berger et al. 2005a), the base of the short section is defined by Paleogene siderolitic fissure-fills and deposits (Bolustone, Ziegler 1956; Bohnerzkonglomerate, Greppin 1855) within and overlaying Mesozoic bedrock. The base of the overlying continental interval is formed by approximately 4 m of marly, calcareous and sandy deposits of the Molasse alsacienne sensu stricto (sensu Picot 2002). The Iberomeryx specimens were preserved in a 95 cm thick lacustrine lithographic limestone bed, extraordinarily rich in plant-, mollusk-, and vertebrate remains. Because of the many articulated fish skeletons (Esox, Umbra, Leuciscus) and two articulated amphibian specimens (Palaeobatrachus cf. diluvianus), this bed can be described as a conservation Lagersta¨tte.

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