Membre de la Leyderry

Torna a falda del Niesen

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Membre de la Leyderry
Membro della Leyderry
Leyderry Member
Origine del nome

La Leyderry (VD), Ormont-Dessous

Varianti storiche

Conglomérat du Leyderry (Badoux & Homewood 1978, Badoux & Gabus 1991), Leyderry member (Ringgenberg et al. 2001), conglomérat du Lédery [sic] (Carrupt 2003)


100-120 m (Badoux & Gabus 1991), 25-50 m (Ringgenberg et al. 2001).

Gerarchia e successione

Unità di rango superiore
Unità sovrastante
Unità sottostante


  • Bathoniano
Osservazioni sul tetto


Età alla base
  • Bathoniano
Osservazioni sulla base


Metodo di datazione

Par analogie avec les oolites de la Formation de l'Infra-Niesen (Lempicka Münch 1996).


Vallée de la Grande Eau, entre Le Sépey et la Forclaz

Paleogeografia e tettonica

Tipo di origine
  • sedimentaria


Ringgenberg Yann, Tomassi Alexander, Stampfli Gérard M. (2001) : The Jurassic sequence of the Niesen nappe in the region of Le Sépey - La Forclaz (Swirtzerland): witness of the Piemont rifting in the Helvetic paleogeographic domain. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sci. nat. 87/4, 353-372

p.360: 2.1.3. Leyderry member (Bathonian?) These polygenic conglomerates are 50 m thick along the Sépey-Diablerets road and less than 25 m in the Grande Eau gorge. They have no internal structures (disorganized conglomerates) and elements are decimetric. The main elements are dolomites, gneiss, quartzites, black limestones, rhyodacites, dolerites, rhyolites, green sandstones, volcanoclastic rocks and green rocks of probable metamorphic origin. The calcareous gritty matrix looks like the Raverette member but we can find contemporaneous resedimented ooliths from the base to the top of the member. Based on an analogy with the findings of Lempicka Munch (1996) on the Infra-Niesen Fm, in which ooliths are of Bathonian age, we assumed that ooliths described herein are also of Bathonian age. Therefore, a Bajocian age is assumed for the underlying Raverette member, in which no ooliths are found.

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