• Matsch-Decke

    Origine du nom

    Matscher Tal = Val di Mazia (Vinschgau, Österreisch)

    En bref

    The Matsch Nappe differs from the underlying Ötztal Nappe in that it is built up of a characteristic polymetamorphic (Variscan, Permian and Alpine) association of interlayered metapelites, amphibolites and pegmatites. Manifestations of Permian metamorphism, associated with the intrusion of pegmatites, are absent in the Ötztal Nappe, and hence thrusting of the Matsch Nappe over the Ötztal Nappe must be of early Alpine age, predating emplacement and metamorphism within the Ötztal Nappe Complex at around 90 Ma.

  • Matsch-Glimmerschiefer

    Origine du nom

    Matscher Tal = Val di Mazia (Vinschgau, Österreisch)

    unité lithostratigraphique
    terme informel
    En bref

    Hochmetamorphe Glimmerschiefer des südlichen Ötztal-Kristallins.

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