- Origine du nom
- Rang
- nappe
- Statut
- terme informel
- En bref
The Roggenstock-Mördergruebi Nappe consists of a pair of isolated klippes forming the highest unit of the Iberg Klippen in central Switzerland. It is in direct tectonic contact with the underlying Arosa Zone that in turn overthrusts Middle Penninic units and is therefore a testimony that Austroalpine cover nappes must have formerly extended as continuous thrust sheets westwards to the meridian of the Vierwaldstättersee. These klippes only expose Late Triassic to Early Jurassic sediments, which are correlated with the nappes of the Northern Calcareous Alps.
- Origine du nom
- Rang
- unité lithostratigraphique
- Statut
- terme informel
- Âge
- Trias
«Raibler Schichten» (ZSK)
- Rang
- unité lithostratigraphique
- Statut
- terme obsolète (abandonné)
- Âge
- Trias
- En bref
Rauhwacke, Dolomit und bunte Mergel der Trias der Zentralschweizerischen Klippen.
- Origine du nom
- Rang
- écaille tectonique
- Statut
- terme local (informel)
- En bref
Ostalpine/Oberpenninische Schuppe der zentralschweizerischen Klippen.
«Kössener Schichten» (Prealpen)
- Rang
- unité lithostratigraphique
- Statut
- terme obsolète (abandonné)
- Âge
- Rhétien
- En bref
Rhät (insb. Lumachellenkalk) der Zentralschweizerischen Klippen.