• Falda del Tonale

    Origine du nom

    Monte Tonale (Italia)

    unité lithostratigraphique délimitée tectoniquement
    En bref

    The Tonale Nappe follows the E–W striking part of the Tonale Fault (Insubric Fault) and is is characterized by a very distinct and lithologically variable association of predominantly sillimanite-bearing paragneisses, marbles, quartzites and amphibolites metamorphosed during the Variscan cycle (Tonale Gneiss Complex).

    In the west, between Giubasco and Sondrio, the Tonale Nappe forms a steeply N-dipping narrow strip of mylonitic series that are part of the Southern Steep Belt (or “root zone” north of the Tonale Fault), bounded by the tonalites of the Bregaglia Intrusion to the north and Alpine mylonites and cataclasites of the Tonale Fault in the south. Between Sondrio and Tirano, it then represents the hangingwall of the Late Cretaceous Mortirolo Normal Fault. Further east, a second Late Cretaceous normal fault, the SE-dipping Pejo Normal Fault, accommodates top-E extension combined with a sinistral strike-slip component in the present-day map view. Finally, east of the Passo del Tonale, the Tonale Nappe displays a rock association that is lithologically distinct from the Tonale Gneiss Complex and that is referred to as the Ulten (or Ultimo) Unit. It overlies the Tonale Gneiss Complex along a pre-Alpine tectonic contact.

    • Ulten-Einheit

      unité tectonique
      En bref

      East of Val di Peio (Mezzana region), the Ulten Unit overlies the Tonale Gneiss Complex along a pre-Alpine tectonic contact. It is characterized by kyanite-bearing paragneisses and migmatites, containing boudins of amphibolitized eclogites, metagabbros and peridotites. Its metamorphic history (high-pressure event of unknown age, exhumation to a lower crustal depth between Devonian and Carboniferous times, slow cooling during Permian to Jurassic times), as well as its original location in the lower crust within the Variscan orogen, are reminiscent of the Ivrea Zone located south of the Tonale Fault.

  • Complesso gneissico del Monte Tonale

    Origine du nom

    Monte Tonale (Italia)

    unité lithostratigraphique
    terme informel
    En bref

    Paragneiss biotitici a granato e paragneiss e micascisti a granato, staurolite e sillimanite intercalati di anfiboliti, talora eclogitiche, di marmi e fels Ca-silicati, di ultrabasiti e di filoni pegmatitici.

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