
Zurück zu Balsthal-Formation

Darstellung und Status

Farbe CMYK
siehe Balsthal-Formation
Farbe RGB
R: 170 G: 195 B: 215
lithostratigraphisches Member (Subformation)
Element ist in Gebrauch
gültiger formeller Begriff


Membre de la Holzflue
Membro della Holzflue
Holzflue Member
Herkunft des Namens

Felsgrat Holzflue, nördlich Balsthal (SO)

Historische Varianten
«Höhlenkalk» auct. (Lang 1863), Holzflue-Schichten (Gygi 1969), Holzflue Member (Gygi 2000b, Gygi 2000c)


Das Holzflue-Member besteht aus einer Wechsellagerung von weissen, oolithischen Grainstones und Mikriten.
70 m an der Typlokalität

Hierarchie und Abfolge

Übergeordnete Einheit
Untergeordnete Einheiten


Alter Top
  • Frühes Kimméridgien
Bermerkungen zu Top
Alter Basis
  • spätes Oxfordien
Bermerkungen zu Basis
Mineralostratigraphie: Ton (Gygi 2000c S.133)


Geographische Verbreitung
Kanton Solothurn
Solothurner Jura (SO)
  • Holzflue (SO)
    Merkmale des Ortes
    • typische Fazies
    Zugänglichkeit des Ortes
    • Grat
    • (2619840 / 1241390)
  • Steinbachtobel (SO)
    Merkmale des Ortes
    • Obergrenze
    • Untergrenze
    • typische Fazies
    Zugänglichkeit des Ortes
    • Bachprofil
    • (2619370 / 1241350)
    • Steinbachtobel (Gygi 1969 Pl.18 Profil RG9, Gygi 2000b Pl.44 Profil RG438)

Paläogeografie und Tektonik

  • Malm des Juragebirges
Northern Tethyan Carbonate Platform (Jura > Helv.) :
Plateforme de Bourgogne, ... = Northern Tethyan Carbonate Platform (NTCP)
Tektonische Einheit (bzw. Überbegriff)
  • sedimentär


Gygi R. A. (1969) : Geologische Beschreibung des Aargauer-Jura und der nördlichen Gebiete des Kantons Zürich.

"Zwischen der Hauptmumienbank unten und der Kimmeridge-Stufe oben liegt eine Schicht, die Juillerat (1907) «oolithe blanche séquanienne» genannt hat. Da das Gestein nicht überall weiss und oolithisch ist und weil das Séquanien als Stufenname nicht mehr gebraucht werden kann, wird vorgeschlagen, die Schichten 9/15-19 Holzflue-Schichten zu nennen und Profil 9 zum Typusprofil zu erklären." S.86

Gygi R. A. (2000) : Annotated index of lithostratigraphic units currently used in the Upper Jurassic of northern Switzerland. Eclogae geol. Helv. 93/1, 125-146

p.133: Holzflue Member (Gygi 1969) ; Member of the Balsthal Formation ; Synonymy: Gygi (2000b. p. 63) The name Holzflue Member (Holzflue-Schichten) was proposed by Gygi (1969. p. 86) and refers to Mt. Holzflue north of Balsthal. Canton Solothurn. LK 1107 Balsthal. The type section is RG 9 in Gygi (1969. PI. 18) or the revised section RG 438 on plate 44 in Gygi (2(XX)b). respectively, that was measured at the same locality in the Steinebach gorge. Holzflue Member is a necessary name for the distal part of the Balsthal Formation. In the proximal part, the Laufen Member (Gygi 1995. p. 13) below and the Verena Member above can be distinguished above the Steinebach and Hauptmumienbank Members. At Balsthal and further to the east towards Olten this is impossible as is indicated in figure 1.
The Holzflue Member is 70 m thick at the type locality. Most of it is oolite, but there is a micritic intercalation in the type section: the middle part of bed 44 of section RG 438. The oolite in the upper part of the Holzflue Member is somewhat friable and weathers back as a hollow at Mt. Holzflue and north of the road tunnel in Steinebach gorge. The rock becomes a pure white, porous and very friable oolitic grainstone in the upper part of the quarry of Mösliloch at the western slope of Vorberg west of the village of Egerkingen. Canton Solothurn. LK 1108 Murgenthal. This is the upper part of bed no. 57 in the unpublished section RG 448. In one of the former quarries at the locality called Loch at Wangen. Canton Solothurn (west of Olten. LK 1088 Hauenstein), the rock of the Holzflue Member is a porous, white micrite (Gygi 1969. Pl.19). This is the type locality of the Wangen Member as conceived by Moesch (1867. p. 165).
The age of the Holzflue Member could only be established with clay minerals. The member belongs to the later part of the Bimammatum Chron and to the Planula Chron. The upper Holzflue Member at Mt. Holzflue cannot be distinguished from the Verena Member at St. Verena chapel, the type locality of the Verena Member (see below). The eastern boundary of the Holzflue Member is marked by the Olten Member, a limestone with hermatypic corals. There is a transition between the upper Holzflue Member and the upper Letzi Member at Olten (Gygi 1969. Pl. 19). The colour of the Holzflue Member is lighter than that of the oolitic Steinebach Member below that has a brownish tinge. But near Balsthal the uppermost Steinebach Member is an almost white friable oolite that weathers back. This was already noted by Delhaes & Gerth (1912. p. 18).

  • Balmberg-Oolith

    Name Origin

    Balmflue am Balmberg (SO)

    lithostratigraphische Bank
    lokaler Begriff (informell)

    Dünngebankter, kreuzgeschichteter oolithischer Grainstone im unteren Teil des Holzlfue-Members.

    spätes Oxfordien
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