Zurück zu Villigen-FormationDarstellung und Status
- Farbe RGB
- R: 200 G: 220 B: 240
- Rang
- lithostratigraphische Einheit
- Gebrauch
- Element ist in Gebrauch
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Diskussion des Status
- Deutsch
- «Schwarzbach-Schichten»
- Français
- «Couches du Schwarzbach»
- Italiano
- «Strati dello Schwarzbach»
- English
- «Schwarzbach Beds»
- Herkunft des Namens
Schwarzbach-Schlucht (Deutschland), E Griessgen / Klettgau
- Historische Varianten
Schwarzbach-Schichten (Würtenberger & Würtenberger 1866, Hofmann et al. 2000), XXX (Schweigert 1995. Fig. 1), Schwarzbach Member (Gygi et al. 1998 Fig.2), Schwarzbach Formation (Gygi 2000c)
- Nomenklatorische Bemerkungen
Entspricht die Lacunosamergel-Formation («Mittlere Malmmergel», «Kimmeridge-Mergel») in Süddeutschland.
- Geomorphologie
- Geländemulde
- Mächtigkeit
- 14 m in der Tongrube Biberegg, 20-30 m im westlichen Randen (Hofmann et al. 2000)
Hierarchie und Abfolge
- Hangendes
- Liegendes
- Alter Top
- Frühes Kimméridgien
- Alter Basis
- Frühes Kimméridgien
- Datierungsmethode
Ammoniten (Planula-Zone)
- Geographische Verbreitung
- Gebiet Hochrhein-Klettgau-Wutach- Randen.
- Typusregion
- Klettgau (SH)
- Typlokalität
Schwarzbach-Schlucht (Deutschland), W Schaffhausen
Koordinaten- (2676770 / 1274870)
Schwarzbach-Schlucht (Deutschland), W Schaffhausen
- Referenzprofile
Sommerwies (SH)
Merkmale des Ortes- typische Fazies
- Steinbruch, Tongrube
- (2688070 / 1286340)
- Gygi 1969, Gygi 2000c
Sommerwies (SH)
Paläogeografie und Tektonik
- Malm des Juragebirges
- Paläogeografie
- Nordalpines Vorlandbecken
- Tektonische Einheit (bzw. Überbegriff)
- Herkunftstyp
- sedimentär
- Metamorphose
- unmetamorph
- Erstdefinition
1866) :
Der Weisse Jura im Klettgau und angrenzenden Randengebirg. Verh. natw. Vereins Karlsruhe 2, 11-68
- Neubearbeitung
2000) :
Annotated index of lithostratigraphic units currently used in the Upper Jurassic of northern Switzerland. Eclogae geol. Helv. 93/1, 125-146
S.139: This formation was named by Würtenberger & Würtenberger (1866. p. 37) Schwarzbach-Schichten after the Schwarzbach creek that has its source northwest of Rafz, Canton Zürich, LK 1051 Eglisau. The creek then runs west and empties into the Kothbach 1 km southeast of Oberlauchringen in the German Unterklettgau valley, LK 1050 Zurzach. The unit was ranked as a member by Gygi et al. (1989 [sic; >>> 1998] Fig. 2). It is now considered to be a formation in southern Germany under another name by Schweigert (1995. Fig. 1). The type locality of the Schwarzbach Formation is at the eastern end of the small ravine of the Schwarzbach north of Bühl, a village 1.5 km south-southwest of Dettighofen, LK 1051 Eglisau (Würtenberger & Würtenberger 1866. p. 19). There are only small and partial natural outcrops of the formation in creeks. The lowermost part of the formation was excavated by R. & S. Gygi in 1974 in a quarry at Summerhalde in the Hemmental valley 2.5 km north-northwest of Schaffhausen, LK 1031 Neunkirch. This is section RG 239 that was published by Gygi (1990b. p. 69) and is located at coordinates 688.070/286.340.
Even without outcrops, the marly Schwarzbach Formation can be easily discerned in the landscape, because it forms a distinct terrace between the escarpment of the limestones of the Villigen Formation below and the slight escarpment of what is now called the Felsenkalk Formation (Schweigert 1995) above. The Schwarzbach Formation occurs in the Klettgau valley and in the Randen hills and beyond in southern Germany. Würtenberger & Würtenberger (1866) could date it with a rich ammonite fauna. According to Gygi (1990b), the formation begins in the latest Planula Chron.