Mylonite de Miéville
Zurück zu Aig.-Rouges-MassivDarstellung und Status
- Farbe CMYK
- (0%,0%,0%,100%)
- Rang
- lithostratigraphisches Member (Subformation)
- Gebrauch
- Element ist in Gebrauch
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Deutsch
- Miéville-Mylonit
- Français
- Mylonite de Miéville
- Italiano
- Milonite di Miéville
- English
- Miéville Mylonite
- Herkunft des Namens
- Historische Varianten
- mylonites de Miéville (Meyer 1916, Pilloud 1991), zone de mylonitisation (Corbin & Oulianoff 1931), --- (Kerrich et al. 1980), Miéville ultramylonite (Bonin et al. 1993), Miéville shear zone (Egli 2013)
- Beschreibung
- dark, extremely fine-grained, slate-like rock (ultramylonite)
- Mächtigkeit
- 150-175 m (Corbin & Oulianoff 1931)
- Neubearbeitung
2001) :
Mont-Blanc, Aiguilles-Rouges massifs (External Massifs) - an example of polyorogenic evolution. Fieldtrip Guide 1, 53-84, Univ. Lausanne
p.67: The Vallorcine granite was subsequently affected along its SE contact by an intense low-T ductile shearing leading to the well-known “Miéville ultramylonite” (Kerrich et al. 1980) of Late Variscan age (but reworked during the Alpine orogeny).
Material und Varia
MIEVILLE, Granite de … – Palaeozoikum – Helvetikum (Kristallin)
Synonyme du granite de Vallorcine