Complesso gneissico della Tremola

Zurück zu Gotthard-Decke

Darstellung und Status

Farbe CMYK
Farbe RGB
R: 145 G: 165 B: 140
lithostratigraphische Formation
Element ist in Gebrauch
informeller Begriff


Complexe gneissique de la Tremola
Complesso gneissico della Tremola
Tremola Gneiss Complex
Herkunft des Namens

mittlere Val Tremola (TI), NW Airolo

Historische Varianten

Zone VII = Schiefer der Tremolaserie (Alb. Heim), Tremola-Schiefer (Waindziok 1906), Tremolaserie (Hezner 1909), Karbonserie der Tremola (Bosshard 1925), Tremola-Serie (Hafner 1958, Steiger 1962, Rutsch et al. 1966), Tremola-Serie = Tremolagesteine (Gansser & Dal Vesco 1964), Tremolaserie (Ambühl 1929), scisti cristallini della Val Tremola (Godenzi 1963), Tremola series (Steck 1976, Wenk & Wenk 1977, Beffa 1993), Tremola Serie (Mercolli et al. 1994), Serie della Tremola, Tremola Gneiss Complex (Berger et al. 2017)



Wechsellagerung von dunklen Hornblendegneissen und -schiefern, Glimmergneissen, -schiefern und -phylliten, Quarziten und Silikat-karbonatgesteinen; Hornblende-(oft garbenförmig) und Granat-Porphyroblasten häufig.

Bianconi & Strasky 2015, p.25: La «Serie della Tremola» è caratterizzata da litologie scistose molto variate e finemente interstratificate, fra le quali spiccano i famosi scisti a granato e orneblenda a covoni.

Hierarchie und Abfolge

Übergeordnete Einheit

Trias der Piora-Mulde


Hafner (1958) described discordant contacts between Prato [= Nalps-Gneiskomplex] and Tremola series ; Sorescia-Gneis


Alter Top
  • Paläozoikum
Alter Basis
  • Paläozoikum


Geographische Verbreitung
Südliche Einheit des zentralen Teil der Gotthardt-Decke zwischen Val Bedretto (Sorescia-Gneis) und Val Piora (Trias).

Paläogeografie und Tektonik

Tektonische Einheit (bzw. Überbegriff)
  • sedimentär
polyzyklisch (Alpin und Variszisch)
  • Grünschiefer-Fazies (Epizone)
  • Amphibolit-Fazies
Bemerkung zur Fazies

The first (Late Variscan?) prograde event is charaterized by a metamorphic grade increasing towards the north. The later metamorphic phase is responsible for the formation of the garben texture, and the metamorphic grade increases towards the south (Steiger 1962).


Heer Oswald (1846) : Bergbau. In: Heer O. & Blumer-Heer J.J.: Der Kanton Glarus. Gemälde der Schweiz, 7: 441. St. Gallen & Bern (Huber)

S.157: Der als Tremolaserie zusammengefasste Gesteinskomplex lehnt sich im Norden dem die zentralen Gotthardgneise begrenzenden Soresciagneis konkordant an; südlich ist er durch den Dolomitzug abgeschlossen, der dicht bei Airolo Ost – West streichend herüberzieht

Berger Alfons, Mercolli Ivan, Herwegh Marco, Gnos Edwin (2017) : Geological Map of the Aar Massif, Tavetsch and Gotthard Nappes. Geological Special Map 1:100'000, Explanatory Notes 129

p.69: An up to 2 km-thick series of metasedimentary rocks extends from the Val Bedretto to the Val Piora, forming the southern element of the central part of the Gotthard Nappe. This unit has been traditionally called the “Tremola-Serie”. HEZNER (1909) described this spectacular rock association outcropping south of the Gotthardpass. HAFNER (1958) mapped the portion west of Airolo, while STEIGER (1962) mapped and described in detail the “Tremola-Serie” east of Airolo and subdivided it into three subunits: the Pontino Zone, the Sasso Rosso Zone and the Nelva Zone from north to south, respectively. The Pontino Zone of STEIGER (1962) is equivalent to the northern portion of the “Motto di Dentro Zone” of HAFNER (1958), whereas the Sasso Rosso Zone is the equivalent of the southern portion of the “Motto di Dentro Zone”. On the present map sheet, the “Tremola-Serie” was renamed as the Tremola Gneiss Complex (including its undifferentiated subunits Pontino Zone, Nelva Zone and Sasso Rosso Zone, Tab.1).
The dominant rock types are garnet and hornblende-bearing mica schist and gneiss followed by hornblende schist and gneiss. Minor quartzite, carbonate-bearing mica schist, calcsilicate rocks and amphibolite are intercalated with mica schist and gneiss (BIANCONI & STRASKY 2015, Tab.1, p. 28). Garnet-bearing “Hornblendegarbenschiefer” is the most spectacular and famous lithological member of the Tremola Gneiss Complex. This rock type is particularly widespread in the Pontino Zone and Sasso Rosso Zone. Differences between the subunits manifest essentially in the relative abundance of the rock types and the variation in thickness of the alternating layers (STEIGER 1962, BIANCONI & STRASKY 2015). In the eastern part of the Tremola Gneiss Complex, the subunits thin out eastwards at high angles to the boundary with Triassic rocks. This is interpreted as primary sedimentary unconformity (BIANCONI & STRASKY 2015).

  • Scisti di Pontino

    Name Origin

    Pontino (TI), NE Airolo

    tektonisch-begrenzte lithostratigrafische Einheit
    informeller Begriff

    Zona settentrionale della Serie della Tremola: micascisto e gneiss scistoso p. p. a orneblenda, spesso a covoni, p. p. ricco di granato; anfibolite subordinata.

  • Scisti di Nelva

    Name Origin

    Riale di Nelva (TI), NE Airolo

    tektonisch-begrenzte lithostratigrafische Einheit
    informeller Begriff

    Zona meridionale della Serie di Tremola: gneiss e scisto micaceo a granato, scisto a orneblenda subordinato.

  • Gneiss del Sasso Rosso

    Name Origin

    Sasso Rosso (TI), oberhalb Airolo

    tektonisch-begrenzte lithostratigrafische Einheit
    informeller Begriff

    Zona intermedia della Serie della Tremola: micascisto e gneiss scistoso a clorite, scisto a orneblenda, spesso a covoni; anfibolite subordinata.

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