Zurück zu Schiahorn-DeckeDarstellung und Status
- Farbe CMYK
- N/A
- Farbe RGB
- R: 241 G: 239 B: 237
- Rang
- Decke
- Gebrauch
- Element ist in Gebrauch
- Status
- gültig
- Deutsch
- Schiahorn-Decke
- Français
- Nappe du Schiahorn
- Italiano
- Falda dello Schiahorn
- English
- Schiahorn Nappe
- Herkunft des Namens
Gross Schiahorn (GR), NW Davos
- Historische Varianten
Aroser Dolomiten auct., Schiahorndolomit (Cadisch 1922), Schiahorn-Decke (Pfiffner 2015, Signer et al. 2018), Schiahorn Nappe (TK500 / Gouffon et al. 2024)
- Beschreibung
Unterostalpine Decke
Hierarchie und Abfolge
- Untergeordnete Einheiten
- Alter Top
- Trias
- Alter Basis
- Trias
- Geographische Verbreitung
- NW der Engadin-Störung
Paläogeografie und Tektonik
- Paläogeografie
Adriatischer Kontinentalrand
southern continental margin / platform
- Tektonische Einheit (bzw. Überbegriff)
- Herkunftstyp
- tektonisch
- Neubearbeitung
2024) :
Tectonic Map of Switzerland 1:500000, Explanatory notes. Federal Office of Topography swisstopo, Wabern
p.92: The Schiahorn Nappe (formerly “Arosa Dolomites”) is a small unit underlying the Silvretta Nappe between Tiefencastel and Davos. It consists of Triassic to Early Jurassic sediments with lithofacies similar to that of the Upper Austroalpine Ortler Nappe (see § 8.2.7; Furrer 1993, Eberli 1988, Froitzheim et al. 1994). In the Rätikon area (northeast corner of the Prättigau Half-Window), Nagel (2006) correlates the sedimentary “Southern Mittagspitz Zone” with the Schiahorn Nappe, both having a similar stratigraphic sequence with respect to the Allgäu Nappe, as well as a structurally comparable position with it.
«Südliche Mittagsspitz-Zone»
- Rang
- tektonische Zone
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
In the Rätikon area (northeast corner of the Prättigau Half-Window), Nagel (2006) correlates the sedimentary “Southern Mittagspitz Zone” with the Schiahorn Nappe, both having a similar stratigraphic sequence with respect to the Allgäu Nappe, as well as a structurally comparable position with it.