Retour à Nappe du JulierReprésentation et statut
- Couleur CMYK
- N/A
- Couleur RGB
- R: 241 G: 239 B: 237
- Rang
- nappe
- Usage
- Ce terme est en usage.
- Status
- valide
- Deutsch
- Julier-Decke
- Français
- Nappe du Julier
- Italiano
- Falda del Julier
- English
- Julier Nappe
- Origine du nom
- Variantes historiques
Julierlappen (Staub 1934), Julier-Decke (Staub 1946), lambeau du Piz Julier (Trümpy 1970), Julierdecke (Spillmann 1993), Julier basement nappe (Manatschal & Nivergelt 1997), Julier Nappe (TK500 / Gouffon et al. 2024)
- Description
Kristallindecke des Bernina-Deckenkomplexes, mit wenig interne alpine Deformation. Composée surtout de granodiorites verts. ; grüner Granit + grosse Diorit-Massen ;
- Extension géographique
- NW der Engadin-Störung
- Révision
2024) :
Tectonic Map of Switzerland 1:500000, Explanatory notes. Federal Office of Topography swisstopo, Wabern
p.86: The Julier Nappe represents the equivalent of the Bernina Nappe northwest of the Engadine Fault. This fault sinistrally offsets the two basement-dominated nappes, combined with relative uplift of the Bernina Nappe in respect to the Julier Nappe (Schmid & Froitzheim 1993). The lithological characteristics of the basement are identical to those of the Bernina Nappe (Peters & Dietrich 2008). An undisturbed contact between basement and cover of the Julier Nappe is not preserved. Parts of its former cover became detached and form klippen preserved in the core of the multiphase synclinorium of the “Samedan Zone” (Schlattain-Clavadatsch-Padella Slices, Handy 1996). In the area of Piz Nair near St. Moritz, however, the base of the Julier Nappe appears to have overthrust its own cover.