Nappe du Mont Emilius

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Nappe du Mont Emilius
Falda del Monte Emilius
Mont Emilius Nappe
Origine du nom

Monte Emilius (Italia), SE Aosta

Variantes historiques

lambeau de recouvrement du Mont Emilius (Argand 1911b), lembo di ricoprimento del Monte Emilius = lembo del Monte Emilius = lembo dell'Emilius (Bearth 1980), lembo Austroalpino meridionale del M. Emilius (Dal Piaz et al. 1992a), Mont Emilius Nappe (TK500, Gouffon et al. 2024)

Paléogéographie et tectonique

Termes génériques
Type de protolithe
  • tectonique
Faciès métamorphique
  • faciès à éclogites


Gouffon Yves (Editor) (2024) : Tectonic Map of Switzerland 1:500000, Explanatory notes. Federal Office of Topography swisstopo, Wabern

p.69: The Mont Emilius Nappe, the Etirol-Levaz Slice, the Châtillon-St-Vincent Slices (Dal Piaz 1999 and ref. therein) and the Theodulgletscher Slice (Bucher et al. 2020), located between the Zermatt - Saas Fee Nappe and the Tsaté Nappe, comprise eclogitic continental basement rocks. Due to the similarity of their pre-Alpine lithology with that of the Dent Blanche and Sesia nappes, their origin is probably the Adriatic continental margin. However, these units occupy a lower structural level than the Dent Blanche and Sesia nappes that belong tectonically to the Salassic domain. They exhibit a tectono-metamorphic history similar to that of the Zermatt - Saas Fee Nappe, including the Early Eocene age for their high-pressure metamorphism (Dal Piaz et al. 2001, Weber et al. 2015). These units likely derived from extensional allochthons, formed during the Jurassic opening of the Piemonte-Liguria Ocean in a more distal position than the Cervinia Terrane from which the Salassic nappes originate (see chap. 7).

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