Retour à nappe du PlattaReprésentation et statut
- Couleur CMYK
- (38%,0%,25%,37%)
- Couleur RGB
- R: 100 G: 160 B: 120
- Rang
- unité lithostratigraphique
- Usage
- Ce terme est en usage.
- Deutsch
- Platta-Ophiolith
- Français
- Ophiolite du (Piz) Platta
- Italiano
- Ofiolite del (Piz) Platta
- English
- Platta Ophiolite
- Origine du nom
- Variantes historiques
Ophiolithe vom Typus der Platta-Decke (Büchi & Trümpy 1976), Platta-Ophiolithe (Spillmann 1993), Ophiolites [of the Platta nappe] (Manatschal & Nievergelt 1997), Ophiolites of the Piz Platta region
Hiérarchie et succession
- Unités hiérarchiquement subordonnées
- Extension géographique
- Serpentinit, Grabbro, Basalt und Grünschiefer, mit untergeorneten Sedimenten.
Paléogéographie et tectonique
- Paléogéographie
- bassin liguro-piémontais
- Termes génériques
- Type de protolithe
- ophiolitique
- Métamorphisme
- monocyclique
- Faciès métamorphique
- faciès à schistes verts (épizone)
- Remarque sur le métamorphisme
Ultrabasic rocks are represented by lizardite-chrysotile-serpentinite north of Bivio and antigorite bearing lizardite-chrysotile-serpentinite south of Bivio, indicating an increase in Alpine metamorphism from north to south (Trommsdorff & Evans 1974, Trommsdorff 1983).
- Définition
- 1969) : Die Ophiolithe des Oberhalbsteins (Graubünden) und das Ophiolithmaterial der ostschweizerischen Molasseablagerung ein petrographischer Vergleich. Diss. ETHZ Nr.4397, 179 S. (
- Révision
1997) :
A continent-ocean transition recorded in the Err and Platta nappes (Eastern Switzerland). Eclogae geol. Helv. 90/1, 3-27
p.8: Ophiolites [of the Platta nappe]
Massive basalts, pillow lava and breccia and hyaloclastites represent the extrusive part of the ophiolite suite of the Platta nappe (Steinmann 1905, Cornelius 1935. Dietrich 1969. 1970). With higher strain and grade of metamorphism towards the south, the primary extrusive structures are gradually obliterated (Dietrich 1969). Gabbro is rare and is intrusive together with basaltic dikes in serpentinite. Some gabbros are undeformed (e.g. Val Natons). whereas others are strongly foliated and exhibit a clear stretching lineation and asymmetric fabrics indicating non-coaxial shear under high-temperature conditions (at least 400 to 500 C). Plagioclase and pyroxene ribbons suggest crystal plastic deformation mechanisms, active during the deformation of these rocks. Since Alpine metamorphism in the area is only of greenschist facies (Trommsdorff 1983), a pre-Alpine age for these gabbroic mylonites is strongly suggested.
Ultrabasic rocks are represented by lizardite-chrysotile-serpentinite north of Bivio and antigorite bearing lizardite-chrysotile-serpentinite south of Bivio, indicating an increase in Alpine metamorphism from north to south (Trommsdorff & Evans 1974, Trommsdorff 1983). Unaltered relics of péridotites were not described, but from microscopic as well as from geochemical data spinel lherzolites and harzburgites are presumed to be the protoliths of the serpentinites (Dietrich 1969, Trommsdorff & Evans 1974. Burkhard & O'Neil 1988).
- Name Origin
Alp Flix (GR), östlich (Las) Cuorts
- Rang
- unité lithostratigraphique
- Statut
- terme local (informel)
- En bref
Metaalkaligabbro, Metaalkalibasalt.
- Age
- Aptien
- Name Origin
- Rang
- unité lithostratigraphique
- Statut
- terme local (informel)
- En bref
- Zäher, grobkörniger Gabbro mit lichtgrünem, saussuritisiertem Plagioklas und bräunlichem, metallisch schillerndem Diallag. Feinkörnigeren Schlieren treten auch vor.
- Name Origin
Fallerfurgga = Fuorcla da Faller (GR) [non: westliche Fallerfurgga = Mazzaspitz-Marmorera-Serpentinit]
- Rang
- unité lithostratigraphique
- Statut
- terme local (informel)
- En bref
- Oberster Serpentinit im zentralen Teil der Platta-Decke.
- Name Origin
- Rang
- unité lithostratigraphique
- Statut
- terme informel
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- Gabbro vom Typus Marmels (Staub 1946): Ruina dal chastè Marmels (GR)
- En bref
- Serpentinit im zentralen und nördlichen Teil der Platta-Decke.