Couches à Costatoria goldfussi

Zurück zu Membre du Balmi (-grabe/-wald)

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Couches à Costatoria goldfussi
Strati a Costatoria goldfussi
Costatoria goldfussi Beds
Herkunft des Namens

Nom basé sur l'abondance de l'espèce de bivalve fossile Myophoria (Costatoria) goldfussi Alberti 1830 (également présent dans le Membre des Erpilles sus-jacent).

Historische Varianten

Lumachellen mit Myophoria goldfussi (Genge 1958), Calcaire à Costatoria goldfussi (Bottéron 1961), Couches à C. goldfussi (Baud & Mégard-Galli 1975, Sartori 1990), Calcaires à goldfussi (Mégard-Galli & Baud 1977), «Couches à Costatoria goldfussi» (Sartori et al. 2006, Baud et al. 2016)



sommet de la Formation de Champcella

15 m au Mont d'Or (Botteron 1961).


  • Conodonta
  • Bivalven

Myophoria (Costatoria) goldfussi, Sephardiella truempy (Hirsch)

Hierarchie und Abfolge

Übergeordnete Einheit


Alter Top
  • Frühes Ladinien
Alter Basis
  • Frühestes Ladinien
Bermerkungen zu Basis

Zone à Curionii: Sephardiella truempyi (Hirsch) = Fassanien


Bivalves et conodontes (Hirsch) (Baud et al. 2016).


  • Lyss Hütte (BE)
    Merkmale des Ortes
    • Obergrenze
    • Untergrenze
    • typische Fazies
    Zugänglichkeit des Ortes
    • Strassenanschnitt / Bahnanschnitt
    • (2601820 / 1155740)
    • Baud et al. 2016

Paläogeografie und Tektonik

  • Briançonnais-Trias
Briançonnais Terrane :

microcontinent briançonnais

Tektonische Einheit (bzw. Überbegriff)


Baud Aymon, Plasencia Pablo, Hirsch Francis, Richoz Sylvain (2016) : Revised middle Triassic stratigraphy of the Swiss Prealps based on conodonts and correlation to the Brianc¸onnais (Western Alps). Swiss J. Geosc. 109/2, 365-377

p.371: The ‘‘Couches à Costatoria goldfussi’’ form the bulk of the Balmi Member of the Pralet Formation in the Prealps (Fig. 3). Corresponding to the transgressive lower part of cycle CIII, it overlies undisturbed the Wiriehorn Formation (Champcella in the Briançonnais). These Costatoria goldfussi marker beds can be followed all the way down to the Mediterranean coast (Mégard-Galli and Baud 1977). It is most often dolomitized in the Western Alps. In the Seehorn section (Fig. 6), just north of the Rothorn thrust sheet, Genge (1958) described and illustrated Myophoria goldfussi, as well as Pectinids, Cyprinids, Dentalids and Aviculids. He also mentioned crinoids with Encrinus liliiformis and a Solenopora algae. Its faunal content in the Vanoise area of the French Alps has been described and illustrated by Ellenberger (1958). Among the bivalves, this author proposed the use of Myophoria goldfussi var. alpina as a marker. Bivalves comprise smooth Myophorids, Pachycardia and Trigonodus. Among gastropods figures Omphaloptycha (or Geinitzia) cf. escheri. Dolomitized ‘‘Couches à Costatoria goldfussi’’ are present in most of the Swiss Prealps ‘‘Préalpes médianes Rigides’’ thrust sheets (Botteron 1961; Genge 1958), but in the Eastern part of these Prealps they show rare but interesting limestone outcrops (Diemtigtal, sections 1, 2 and 3 in Figs. 5, 6). There, in-between dolomitic layers, the 5–10 m thick Costatoria goldfussi interval represents a level of lime-wackestone with some cherts in the lower part (Fig. 5), capped by crinoidal lime-packstone.

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