Zurück zu ZeitskalaDarstellung und Status
- Farbe CMYK
- N/A
- Farbe RGB
- R: 245 G: 255 B: 245
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Gebrauch
- Element ist in Gebrauch
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Diskussion des Status
- Deutsch
- Boreal
- Français
- Boréal
- English
- Boreal
- Herkunft des Namens
- Cold climatic phase originally based on the study of Danish peat bogs.
- Historische Varianten
- Boreal (Blytt 1876)
- Alter Top
- Holozän
- Bermerkungen zu Top
- 8000 BP = 9000 calBP = 7050 BC
- Alter Basis
- Holozän
- Bermerkungen zu Basis
- 9000 BP = 10200 calBP = 8250 BC
- Datierungsmethode
- 8690-7270 av. J.C.
- Erstdefinition
1876) :
Essay on the immigration of the Norwegian flora during alternating rainy and dry periods. Christiania, 89 pages
p.63: Boreal [plants] which have their greatest distribution in the low lands, and which do not prefer the coast climate in the province of Bergen, but which however mostly grow both east and west of the mountain ridge.