Early Cretaceous (~ 145 Ma)
Zurück zu ZeitskalaDarstellung und Status
- Farbe CMYK
- 45 / 0 / 70 / 0
- Farbe RGB
- R: 140 G: 205 B: 87
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Gebrauch
- Element ist in Gebrauch
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Deutsch
- Frühe Kreide
- Français
- Crétacé précoce
- Italiano
- Cretacico primo
- English
- Early Cretaceous (~ 145 Ma)
- Historische Varianten
Série paléocrétacique (Revil 1911), Crétacé inférieur (Gignoux & Moret 1944)
Hierarchie und Abfolge
- Hangendes
- Alter Top
- Albien
- Alter Basis
- Berriasien
Albian (~ 113.0 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Aube region (France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>Latin: Alba</p>
- Kurzbeschreibung
Last stage of the Early Cretaceous.
- Age
- Albien
- Name Origin
La Vraconnaz = La Vraconne (VD), Saint-Croix
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- obsoleter Begriff (nicht mehr verwendet)
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>Vraconnin (Mayer-Eymar 1885) = Albien moyen à tardif >< Rhotomagin = Vraconnien !</p>
- Kurzbeschreibung
Local chronostratigraphic subdivision corresponding to the late Albian (and earliest Cenomanian).
- Age
- Spätestes Albien
Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1d)
Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1c)
- Rang
- Chemostratigraphie
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Oceanic anoxic event of the Late Albian.
- Age
- Mittleres Albien
Paquier Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1b)
- Rang
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
Oceanic anoxic event of the Early Albian.
- Age
- Spätestes Aptien
Aptian (~ 121.4 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Apt (Vaucluse, France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Stage of the Early Cretaceous.
- Age
- Aptien
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Clansayes (Drôme, France).
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Local chronostratigraphic substage corresponding to the Late Aptian.
- Age
- Spätes Aptien
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Gargas (Vaucluse, France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Local chronostratigraphic subdivision corresponding to the latest Early Aptian and to the Middle Aptian.
- Age
- Frühes Aptien
- Name Origin
Named after the village of La Bédoule (Bouches-du-Rhône, France), near Cassis.
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Gültiger Begriff
- Aptian
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Local chronostratigraphic subdivision designating the Early Aptian. The Bedoulian, based on pelagic deposits (Marno-calcaires de la Bedoule), is approximately equivalent to the Rhodanian, which is based on littoral deposits.
- Age
- Frühes Aptien
Selli level (OAE 1a)
- Name Origin
Named after the Italian geologist Raimondo Selli (1916-1983).
- Rang
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
Oceanic anoxic event at the base of the Aptian (around 120 Ma ago) with a major impact on the chemistry of the oceans worldwide.
- Age
- Frühes Aptien
Barremian (~ 129.4 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Barrême (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
... based on the Marno-calcaires de Barrême.
- Age
- Barrémien
Hauterivian (~ 132.6 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Hauterive (NE), NE Neuchâtel.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Hauterivien
Valanginian (~ 139.8 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Valangin (NE), at the upper end of the Gorges du Seyon (see also inventory of Swiss geotopes n°245).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>Valendis = ancien nom allemand de Valangin</p>
- Kurzbeschreibung
Second stage of the Early Cretaceous.
- Age
- Valanginien
Berriasian (~ 145 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Berrias (Ardèche, France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>The Berriasella jacobi Zone was previously placed at the end of the Tithonian.</p>
- Kurzbeschreibung
First stage of the Cretaceous.
- Age
- Berriasien